Monday, May 27, 2024

The Comfort of Monday

Ahhhh ... Monday is here. 

Massive morning storms -- went into the basement because the wind was so bad. Still storming, but the worst is over. I hope the garden faired okay. And, bless the underground utilities ... power is on.

The family BBQ was a lot of fun, lots of work and well worth it. What's left is a lot of flowers, some leftover food (most went to the kids), and a me-day ahead.

Added some to my office.

Past ME hooked a girl up. I can't stress enough how happy I am to have the court report finished and submitted. 

I have a big hiking week coming up. Tuesday night, Wednesday morning and Friday all day. Pushing to challenge myself and build endurance. I hope I'm not pushing too fast after the fall -- still recouping a bit. And I hope I don't get a cold this week. It's a possibility since the baby has a little cold and I spent a lot of time holding him (worth it though).

We were suppose to hike with friends on Wednesday with plans to confirm time this weekend. I reached out because I had a feeling ... turns out I was right. They need to postpone. I preemptively reached out so I could register for club hike on Wednesday. "Old me" would've passively waited until they made the decision. "FS me" decided to be assertive and speak up. There's a small chance they're still available, but I canceled the plans so I don't get left out of a hike on Wednesday. I offered dinner instead if they end up being available. 

I don't want to over blow this decision, but it was big for me. I'd much rather hike with friends and I was really looking forward to going, but it became clear the chances were low that we'd actually go. So I prioritized myself. When we made plans, there wasn't anything else for Wednesday so waiting until the last minute wasn't a big deal. Things changed -- on both our ends. 

I say all the time, people don't respect my time. They cancel on whims, leave cancelation to last minute, think it doesn't matter. But the truth is I am the one who doesn't respect my time. The decision yesterday was me respecting my time. I hope we're able to go hiking with them soon and I'm really glad I'm signed up for a hike with the hiking club for Wednesday. 

Enough on my soapbox, but I like to remind myself I can speak up and the world doesn't end. And in speaking up, the potential resentment is squashed too. People get to make decisions and I'm "people" too. Had I not spoken up and the hike didn't happen, I would've been resentful -- and that's on me.

Happy Memorial Day. Hope you are enjoying the long weekend. Later gators.

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