Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I still CAN'T move and other interesting facts ...

Maybe a little exaggeration, but my arms want to stay hanging by my side and my hips don't want to walk.  It takes a herculean effort to comb my hair or sit on a chair.  All sore, not injured.  Big distinction.  I was careful yesterday to be moderate and modify the core workout in the end (my lower back hates the twisty moves).

SIDE NOTE ... spell check isn't getting me today.  One vowel off and it's like "I have no idea what the other 10 letters in perfect order could mean."  We go through this sometimes.  I think it's just moody today.

I have 2 revelations (yes, spell check, got me again ... it's an 'e' ... I see how it's confusing) to tell FUTURE ME about today.

The first is a workout revelation.  Annissa (my former instructor) is in a league of her own.  What a difference in HER classes vs a general class at a gym.  There was a reason I stayed for over a year with her.  INTENTION in a workout is so important.  Good form vs pure speed ... totally makes a difference.  I had a great time and a good workout, but I took a page from her book and did some things differently.  I slowed down.  I added INTENTION.  I added BALANCE.  I MODIFIED risky moves.

The reason I'm not following her to the other gym (at this point) is the results I got (and I got results) weren't exactly the results I wanted.  She LOVES muscle - that's her main focus.  I wanted something different - strength.  I know you need muscle for strength, but I wanted leaner strength (think yoga body vs body builder).  She works toward MUSCLE.  Even before I put on some weight (fat, not muscle), I had bulked up my arms to the point where my shirts didn't fit in the bicep area.  Not my goal.

What I want from an outside workout is VARIETY.  I over-cardio by nature and I need some cross-training and balance.  Working out at a gym forces me to do that type of workout.  I was spotty, at best, trying to manage it myself.  I want to see what boxing does for my body.  Will it give me the changes I want?  Time will tell.  2 months and I'll re-evaluate (unless my body says 'no' sooner).  Boxing has been on my radar for years.  So many people sing it's praises.

My other revelation comes from a Instagram gal I follow.  She's 'hollyfisherhiggins' ... she's a life coach and Whole30 coach.  Anyway, she had a super interesting story yesterday.  You know I love me classic Tony Robbins (for over 20 years) and a big thing for him is affirmation stuff.  He likes to exaggerate for inspiration and exaggerate for motivation (make the good bigger, make the bad worst).  Trick your mind.  This doesn't work for me - never has - I "complain" about this every time I listen to his programs.  I know I'm lying to myself (i.e. my life isn't going to end up in the gutter, broken and miserable because I ate crappy this week).  Sure, it's not my BEST life, but it's not the end either.  See what I mean?

Holly talked about baby stepping your affirmations.  Start small and build so your brain believes it!  (i.e. I'm open to the idea that it's possible to heal ... not I AM healed.)  Your brain knows it's not healed (yet) and it won't feel better pretending it is healed.  You might actually feel worse.  INSERT your own stuff ... I'm open to the idea that eating healthy is worth the effort.

Wow - nice distinction.  This makes so much sense to me.  It's BELIEVABLE and it's PROGRESS!  She says you up the wording, up the affirmation as YOU build up.  I'm totally trying this new way of affirmations!

Whew - this was a long post.  Time to get my bottom up out of the chair (wish me luck) and start the day.  Today's Ellie's adoption day and it's happy and sad.  Big emotions today.  Wish us both a good transition.  Later gators.

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