Sunday, May 27, 2018

BBQs to start the SUMMER

Today and tomorrow are BBQs.  Lots of prep and lots of cooking.  I've been hitting the InstantPot HARD this weekend and pulling my freezer stash back up with quick summer options.

Tonight is burgers (my favorite grill item), corn on the cobb, mac & cheese (my kids' favorite), grilled veggies and ice cream for dessert.  I'll partake in the stuff I can - should be fun.

Tomorrow is a grill out at a friend's house.  I'm bringing deviled eggs (thanks InstantPot), meat sauce for hot dogs (by request of my friend's husband) and rice crispies (because I'm the QUEEN of the perfect RC says EVERYONE).

I'm also meeting a friend for coffee.  She heads out of the county for 3 weeks and we haven't been able to connect for too long.  I love a good chat!

Little Louis is an awesome dog.  Housebroken, leash trained, crate trained.  He's having a horrible time with itchy skin where he was shaved (so severely matted).  He has to wear his neck tube to stop the chewing.  We have cream and meds to help him.  Poor little guy.  As usual, he has our heart already.

Furniture protected from his itch cream!
I haven't made a plan for next week yet (i.e. my FUN stuff and my workouts).  Best get on it soon.  Even though I'm technically caught up after vacation, I still feel like I'm not totally in a normal routine.  I think the kitchen cook-up and massive grocery store runs (in holiday crowds) are making me feel that way.  Youngest moves mostly back home today.  Plus, Monday being a holiday screws with my week.  Stupid - I know.  Not an excuse, but part of my wonky week feeling.

We didn't make it to the Farmer's Market.  Rain and more rain.  We did manage all the dog walks which is no little "feet" with the three of them.

I'm actually a bit happy about a rainy weekend.  I needed lots of time in the kitchen and this keeps us home.

Our thoughts are with those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and their loved ones.  Happy Memorial Day (weekend).

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