Some literal, some metaphoric.
First the literal ...
I'm up early-ish to head to a boxing class. I think. I'm sitting here trying to decide to go or not to go. Not going might set a bad precedence for my future of going. Here's my dilemma.
I don't know what I'm doing. I have no idea how to wrap my hands (heading to youtube to watch a demo). I don't know what this class is like - different instructor. I'm out of my element, out of my box (almost a pun) and a regular run instead feels "safe."
The first class was a brand new experience. I wasn't self-conscious or nervous at all. I don't have someone holding my hand this time. Now I feel uncomfortable.
But that's the point. Do something different. Now some metaphoric boxing ... I can't keep doing the same, same, same. I need to move and change ... like a boxer. Ta Da! Literal and metaphoric. LOL.
Anyway ... I think I'll wrap my hands before I go. Can I drive with the wraps?!? I think so. That will eliminate the big issue - I don't know how to wrap my hands and without a step-by-step in front of me, I won't be able to do it at the boxing studio. I actually don't know if I can do it at all!
Another lesson from boxing in the metaphoric sense ...
My Jim Rohn CDs are "off." The second one works for the first track and then plays, but doesn't move through the tracks. The problem? Every time I start up the car, it goes back to the beginning and there's no way to move ahead. I have an old computer that plays CDs, but that's it. My first thought was to return them and GIVE UP. But I'm going to move with the problem and try another angle. I'll return, get new and if those don't work, I'll listen to them at home on the computer - allowing enough of a chunk of time to get through each CD. The set was about $40 - not a wallet buster.
Okay - time to wrap my hands. I'm probably the only one in the universe who is more concerned about wrapping my hands than the workout. Maybe I'll LOVE this class. It's a Schrodinger’s cat moment. At this very moment I simultaneously love and hate this boxing class. Won't know unless I open the box. (I'm full of this stuff this morning - ha - at least my brain is ready!)
Fingers crossed - later gators.
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