Saturday, December 2, 2017

Saturday Stuff

I'm doing my early run on Saturday this weekend.  I'm up and weather is fine (actually a bit warm) ... T minus 30 minutes until I head out.  Weekend early runs allow me an extra hour of sleep.  Most commuters are tucked into bed still so I don't have to worry about a lot of car traffic.  I usually run (no pun intended) into a little foot traffic for the dogs who need their early walk.  I finish just as the sun starts brightening the sky.  I feel like a vampire racing to finish before it's light out!

Chloe is meeting with another family today.  Two kids, one big dog.  Fingers crossed for my house to stay in one piece.

Today is also decoration day.  I used to LOVE it, now I dread it.  Bah humbug to me, I know.  I love when it's finished, but the process is a drag as I've gotten older.  Hubby helps with the big lifting, but everything else is me.

Next week is cookie baking week.  I'm starting to feel good about my eating control, but cookie dough will put it to the test.  And frozen cookies CALL to me!!  Food saver to the rescue on that - hopefully - it's still just a scissor cut from reach.

I did some work on fixing the changes that have me a little bummed.  I made plans with a friend I don't reach out to enough - not until January, but it's a fun night planned.  I have tentative plans with a neighbor who has become a Facebook friend but I only actually see once or twice a year (she's in France now ... so plans will wait until she's back).  Expanding my reach a little.  I also contacted Releash and offered to help with some administrative work.  Looks like that might be a go.  That will help keep me involved.  Finally, I talked to a workout buddy and she recommended a new class at Lift so I'll give that a try too.

My Keurig broke yesterday.  Ugh.  I'm getting an espresso maker for Christmas (thanks Santa) but I still need the Keurig for company, etc.  Target had a good sale and I found a smaller one.  My Keurig was OLD - maybe 7 plus years.  My coffee tastes so much better this morning.  Is it my imagination?  I don't think so.  I don't really want to know why - I cleaned the old one, but not all the inner-most tubes.  Maybe it's just working better so the brew tastes better.  I'm going with that version.

Well, I had some dog interruptions so my 30 minutes is up.  Time to run before the sun (couldn't resist the rhyme).  Later gators.

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