Thursday, December 21, 2017


Thanks to The Today Show review on books to read for the holidays, I read two goodies over my trip.

The Hate U Give -- Angie Thomas
Really, really well told story of one girl's struggle with police brutality, racial divide and family.  It's eye-opening -- a look from a very personal perspective.  Well worth reading.  I think this is considered teen literature.  Tough material, yet uplifting in lots of ways.  You'll read it in one sitting.

The Story of Arthur Truluv -- Elizabeth Berg
This is kind of a dorky love story about non-romantic love between very unlikely friends.  It feels good to read it.  Stuff falls-together a little too conveniently, but it somehow works and I didn't mind it's dorky feel.

I'm back to reading a couple of suspense books.  Stay tuned ... the one I'm reading might end up too dark and depressing for my taste right now.


Update on all things Christmas ...

My shopping is complete with the exception of a few stocking stuffers.  Thank goodness ... it's nuts out there.

Wrapping is mostly finished.  I mailed, delivered and finished up all the periphery people yesterday.  Cleaning crew, out-of-town BFF, my neighbor, my dog sitter, etc.  That felt good to get off my plate.

My Christmas pjs with my dog's picture (remember from OCTOBER?!?!) still haven't come.  Apparently, there was a quality problem with the first manufacturing.  If they don't come in a couple of weeks, my order will be refunded.  Bummer.  I wanted them for Christmas morning.

Now it's time to turn my attention to cooking.  Lots to do and my heart is only half into it right now.  My monthly is due any minute (hello horrible, sad, mad mood!).  I feel like crap from eating too much junk (and my monthly).  As usually, it's only me doing it all and that seems tiring, unfair, etc.  Keep in mind, this might be PMS talking, but there is always some truth behind PMS moods.  And I'm still adjusting to the time change from our trip.  I'm a slow adjuster ... up too late at night, sleeping too late in the morning.  Get with the program girl!!!

Before cooking comes grocery shopping.  This I need all the "luck" I can get ... it's like a cyclone of crazy people battling over the green beans.  Costco is up first.  I think I'll go tomorrow first thing in the morning.  It'll still be nuts, but more manageable.

I hope everyone is managing the Christmas spirit better than I am ... it's a rough one this year.  I need a change in attitude (and my period) and all might be merry after all.

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