... lovers gonna love.
Which are you?
Seems like there are 2 camps for RESOLUTIONS. You love them or you hate them. You faithfully make them every year or you refuse to even entertain thoughts of joining the masses and declaring a RESOLUTION on this mega "start over" day.
I happen to love them. Why not? Where is the harm in taking a day and deciding to better yourself ... in some way ... big or small ... trivial or significant ... fun or serious?
Of course, the work comes in DOING the resolution. I do my resolutions ... sometimes forever, sometimes less than forever. Does a less-than-forever resolution count? I HATE repeating resolutions! Unfortunately, this year is a year of REPEATS. I guess it's better than giving up (hello justification).
For those who don't like RESOLUTIONS - all the power to you. Some people are better off for it. They work every day to be better and don't need a calendar milestone to declare something different. I'd love to be this way -- but ... well, you know I'm not ... so bring on the RESOLUTIONS .
This year is get BACK to my HEALTHY self and STAY there. Better eating, better feeling, etc. Enough said. Same, same, same. Ugh but necessary.
Some resolutions I've kept forever. I have a good list of those forevers - most were made on January 1 ... some at other times, but a RESOLUTION is good whenever it is made ... especially if it's KEPT FOREVER!!!
Here are a few:
No more soda. (20 years ago)
Exercise in the morning REGULARLY - no excuses (also about 20 years ago)
No more splenda (about 6 years ago)
Incorporating STRENGTH into my workouts (1.5 years ago)
This year I'm sticking with the eating healthy which works for ME (stuff that my body struggles with lately -- hello getting old!!).
Limit sugar
Limit gluten
Limit alcohol
Limit dairy
Add vegetables to meals
3 meals - limit snacks
The specifics of what "limit" means to me is something I've already practiced and I know what works. Even though these goals seem a bit vague, they are detailed in my head ... does that make sense?
I want to add some non-food, NEW goals too.
Find a job that works for me or decide to do something else.
Expand my friendships to include more people.
Say YES once a month to something DIFFERENT (VARIETY)
Do something nice ... Every. Single. Day. (even if it's just a smile at a stranger)
(MEDITATION is missing - I'm taking a break from
Putting these goals in writing, not only makes them more "real," but it makes me excited. I hope, whether you make RESOLUTIONS or not, that 2018 is a BLESSED, JOYFUL, HAPPY year for us all!
JANUARY 1 ... bring it!!!