Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Resolutions

Haters gonna hate ...

... lovers gonna love.

Which are you?

Seems like there are 2 camps for RESOLUTIONS.  You love them or you hate them.  You faithfully make them every year or you refuse to even entertain thoughts of joining the masses and declaring a RESOLUTION on this mega "start over" day.

I happen to love them.  Why not?  Where is the harm in taking a day and deciding to better yourself ... in some way ... big or small ... trivial or significant ... fun or serious?

Of course, the work comes in DOING the resolution.  I do my resolutions ... sometimes forever, sometimes less than forever.  Does a less-than-forever resolution count?  I HATE repeating resolutions!  Unfortunately, this year is a year of REPEATS.  I guess it's better than giving up (hello justification).

For those who don't like RESOLUTIONS - all the power to you.  Some people are better off for it.  They work every day to be better and don't need a calendar milestone to declare something different.  I'd love to be this way -- but ... well, you know I'm not ... so bring on the RESOLUTIONS .

This year is get BACK to my HEALTHY self and STAY there.  Better eating, better feeling, etc.  Enough said.  Same, same, same.  Ugh but necessary.

Some resolutions I've kept forever.  I have a good list of those forevers - most were made on January 1 ... some at other times, but a RESOLUTION is good whenever it is made ... especially if it's KEPT FOREVER!!!

Here are a few:

     No more soda. (20 years ago)
     Exercise in the morning REGULARLY - no excuses (also about 20 years ago)
     No more splenda (about 6 years ago)
     Incorporating STRENGTH into my workouts (1.5 years ago)

This year I'm sticking with the eating healthy which works for ME (stuff that my body struggles with lately -- hello getting old!!).

     Limit sugar
     Limit gluten
     Limit alcohol
     Limit dairy
     Add vegetables to meals
     3 meals - limit snacks

The specifics of what "limit" means to me is something I've already practiced and I know what works.  Even though these goals seem a bit vague, they are detailed in my head ... does that make sense?

I want to add some non-food, NEW goals too.

     Find a job that works for me or decide to do something else.
     Expand my friendships to include more people.
     Say YES once a month to something DIFFERENT (VARIETY)
     Do something nice ... Every. Single. Day. (even if it's just a smile at a stranger)

(MEDITATION is missing - I'm taking a break from failing trying this.  It doesn't want to stick right now and it's more upsetting than helpful.  Maybe a goal for another time or maybe not LOL.)

Putting these goals in writing, not only makes them more "real," but it makes me excited.  I hope, whether you make RESOLUTIONS or not, that 2018 is a BLESSED, JOYFUL, HAPPY year for us all!

JANUARY 1 ... bring it!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

One Day or Day One?

I read this somewhere (probably Facebook lol) and I thought it was appropriate for NOW.  I've been in a ONE DAY rut for a couple of months and I have lots to show for it ...

... my pants don't fit, my energy is low, my joints hurt, my sinuses are congested, my mood is sad and mad and generally poopy.  I feel like a lazy, no-good slug wandering aimlessly.  Overstated?!?  Maybe ... and my woe-is-me mood adds to the drama ... but a lot of truth.

So now I'm switching to my DAY ONE mode.  It's NOW, it's happening, it's a huge relief.

Part of my New Year, New Me ... yep I stole that from Weight Watchers ... is a list of daily get-my-butt-in-gear stuff.  Stuff that I will feel good about, feel productive and get the ball moving in the right direction.

The list is simple to begin, but I've been doing it for a couple of days and it feels good.  Hopefully, I'll add to it as I get going.

Move (workout or just move on a rest day - I already do this, but it looks good on my list LOL)
Crest Whitening strips (looking better makes me feel better - my teeth need it, but I've been procrastinating - can't stand doing it)
Releash Atlanta application work (check in daily - I'm on the application committee now)
CE for my nursing license (7 done - 23 to go)

Doing these 4 simple things is a start.  It makes me feel purposeful.  I know it looks lame, but somehow it works.  The biggest issue is getting started ... stringing some good days together.  It's where I am now.

The start is a slow roll until January 1st ... I might as well embrace the cliche ... building up so January 1 feels easier.  So far, so good.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Good-Bye Holidays ...

... HELLO Getting-My-Ass-In-Gear.

Christmas was a mixed bag this year.  Overindulgence gets old and a lot less fun when it's overindulged too.  Split-up family was a bit melancholy.  But, the festivities turned out well.  Meals got an A+ from the family.  Had some holiday fun with movies and laughter.  We went to a great Christmas variety concert at a local venue (we've been dying to try -- it didn't disappoint). Hubby hit the gift-giving out of the park this year (way too much, but his decision, not mine lol).  Overall, it was a good Christmas.  Either way, it's over now and I'm glad.

We never do much for New Years.  Usually, I work the holiday and by the time it comes around I'm sick of big celebrations, too much cooking and too much eating.  Over the years we've done a few celebrations -- most of which ended up being duds.  We've had a couple of casual nights with friends that were fun, but going out or big parties is a big NO for us party-poopers.

So for us, the holidays are finished (minus the herculean task of un-decorating!!!).

I started my ass-in-gear on Christmas day.  I had enough.  I thought I might explode from all the food, desserts, drinks, etc.  I'm already feeling better.  Lots more on all that this week.

I slept in late this morning since we have no little foster dog to let out.  Time to get moving on my day.  Here are a few more pictures of my weekend before I go :-)

Saturday's dinner from Italy -- stuff we brought home.
Here's the starter.
Salad with Saturday's dinner of pasta from Italy.
Christmas morning and DOG JOY!!
Beanie Baby (now Oliver) and his new family.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Dapper in his new coat. 
Always gorgeous ... handsome scarf for our walk.
Wondering where his pile is ... have to wait until family wakes up old man.
Me and the pups.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Four More Days

I forced myself up at my "normal" time this morning.  Time to get back to EST.  As a result ... I'm a walking ZOMBIE!  I just noticed I had TWO reading glasses on my head and one on my face.  Seriously?!?  Usually, I struggle to find one pair.  I'm a glasses divining rod this morning.

As predicted by my charming mood yesterday, monthly is underway.  By tomorrow I'll feel much better.

Tonight we're going to a Christmas concert.  We usually go to the Christmas symphony, but the last couple of years it wasn't as good.  We're trying the Red Clay Music Foundry for the early show tonight.  The place (and owner) are known for the sound quality.  There are concerts a few times a week (lots of country singers) and this will give us the lay of the land before we go with friends.  Tickets are cheap, bar with no minimum, bring your own food if you want.  Sounds perfect.  I LOVE Christmas music!!

We're on the fence about dinner.  We need to crate little Beanie Baby (his previous foster's kid named him that and he knows his name -- too cute).  Anyway, if my youngest isn't able to watch him, we'll come straight home.  Might do that anyway - holiday crowds, etc.  I'm not in the mood tonight.

Saturday night is our Italy dinner.  We brought back some stuff to make a meal from our trip to Italy and the time has finally come to make it.  I already made (and froze) sauce, so the dinner should be a piece of cake.  I need to decide what I'm going to eat as it's a gluten rich meal.  I should stick to the meat/cheese platter and the salad (with just a taste of the pasta).  I'll spiral some zucchini noodles.  And WINE ... of course.

Four more days and clean eating begins.  Getting it all in before then ... not in a huge gluttony way, but at this point, there is no reason to not have the treats and sweets.

We are in the final countdown to Christmas!  Still looking for a bit more holiday spunk, but my scrooge is under control at least ... baby steps.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Thanks to The Today Show review on books to read for the holidays, I read two goodies over my trip.

The Hate U Give -- Angie Thomas
Really, really well told story of one girl's struggle with police brutality, racial divide and family.  It's eye-opening -- a look from a very personal perspective.  Well worth reading.  I think this is considered teen literature.  Tough material, yet uplifting in lots of ways.  You'll read it in one sitting.

The Story of Arthur Truluv -- Elizabeth Berg
This is kind of a dorky love story about non-romantic love between very unlikely friends.  It feels good to read it.  Stuff falls-together a little too conveniently, but it somehow works and I didn't mind it's dorky feel.

I'm back to reading a couple of suspense books.  Stay tuned ... the one I'm reading might end up too dark and depressing for my taste right now.


Update on all things Christmas ...

My shopping is complete with the exception of a few stocking stuffers.  Thank goodness ... it's nuts out there.

Wrapping is mostly finished.  I mailed, delivered and finished up all the periphery people yesterday.  Cleaning crew, out-of-town BFF, my neighbor, my dog sitter, etc.  That felt good to get off my plate.

My Christmas pjs with my dog's picture (remember from OCTOBER?!?!) still haven't come.  Apparently, there was a quality problem with the first manufacturing.  If they don't come in a couple of weeks, my order will be refunded.  Bummer.  I wanted them for Christmas morning.

Now it's time to turn my attention to cooking.  Lots to do and my heart is only half into it right now.  My monthly is due any minute (hello horrible, sad, mad mood!).  I feel like crap from eating too much junk (and my monthly).  As usually, it's only me doing it all and that seems tiring, unfair, etc.  Keep in mind, this might be PMS talking, but there is always some truth behind PMS moods.  And I'm still adjusting to the time change from our trip.  I'm a slow adjuster ... up too late at night, sleeping too late in the morning.  Get with the program girl!!!

Before cooking comes grocery shopping.  This I need all the "luck" I can get ... it's like a cyclone of crazy people battling over the green beans.  Costco is up first.  I think I'll go tomorrow first thing in the morning.  It'll still be nuts, but more manageable.

I hope everyone is managing the Christmas spirit better than I am ... it's a rough one this year.  I need a change in attitude (and my period) and all might be merry after all.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

San Francisco, Dogs and To-Dos

Our trip was a lot of fun.  San Francisco ... Napa ... good eats, good drinks and lots to see.  I'm fall-over tired between the time change, hectic day flying home and too much indulgence.   I took tons of pictures, but hubby has better ones.  Here's a sample from mine.

Dinner at Scoma's.  Hubby's favorite restaurant because of memories with his father.  Had amazing seafood and the best Moscow Mules.  P.S.  I now own 6 of those copper cups as a Christmas gift from my youngest.

Alcatraz.  Youngest sitting in the recreational yard.

Ghirardelli stop.  That sundae was $10.

Hendry wine tour.  Grapes turned to raisins and we got to eat them off the vine.
You know my youngest and his raisin love!  Pinot grapes

Armstrong Redwood Forest.  Pictures don't do it justice.

No way I was risking a spider on my body, so hubby posed for this picture.

Chinatown tour with Linda Lee.  This is at the Chinese Pharmacy.
They are reading a script and sorting out the herbs.  Fascinating.

Fortune Cookie factory.  Fresh cookies were an entirely different flavor and texture.  Amazing.

Market in Chinatown.  This lady is searching the bin of LIVE toads to find the male ones.  They taste better.

Love our sweet foster dog.  So far, he's been awesome.  No accidents, no marking, perfect bed sleeper.  Cute as a button, silly and FAST!!  He was terrified when I broke into the house (she left me a key) and stole him.  Now he's already a family member.  I could learn a lot from dogs.

It's time to make the mega TO-DO lists as we are on the final countdown to Christmas.  We probably all need a little good karma blowing our way.  Off to have a HAPPY day and remind myself this is all good stuff.  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Safe and sound ...

... but very late coming home (connecting flight through Detroit) all thanks to the airport fire that crippled the ATL once again.

That said, I'm on a rush, rush, rush pattern today.  So much to do.  So little time.

We'll play catch-up soon.  Off to the treadmill and a dog pick-up :-)  Later gators.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

San Francisco or Bust

Packing day is here.  Since my clothes BARELY fit, I need to try everything on before I pack it.  Yes, it IS that BAD!!! UGH.

Packing will take a big chunk of the day.  I found a dress and a sweater for the trip on my shopping trip.  Since I had a time crunch with the dog at the groomer, massive traffic to the mall, and my son with me -- it was a rushed shopping to say the least.  Plus, shopping to HIDE my body SUCKS!  That is changing soon.  I promise -- promise ME, promise the universe ... it's a MUST.

Anyway, other than dreading sweats-free dressing, I'm really excited about showing my youngest a bit of California.  We're hitting all the San Francisco tourist stuff (cable cars, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, etc ... it's a long list!).  Saturday we head to Napa for one of the best wine tours we've ever experienced -- Hendry -- if you get a chance, it's awesome.  The owner is a scientist by trade and he takes you through an experience of WHY wine tastes different with food, etc.  It's fun, interesting and if you drink wine, it's a game changer.  After the tour, we'll head to an amazing food market for lunch (and nitro coffee - don't think I forgot about west coast nitro LOL) and finally to Armstrong National Park (one of the redwood forests).  It's magical.  Sunday we have a private tour of Chinatown -- including a dim sum lunch.  All this with lots of delicious meals and fun drinks for our newly 21 year old AND San Francisco is all dressed up for Christmas.  Exciting trip!

Although this is a repeat of a lot of the trip for us, our youngest has never been to California.  The kids always vetoed that trip when they were younger.  Crazy kids.  I still get excited to experience things through the eyes of my kids.  I guess that never changes.

Releash Atlanta contacted me yesterday to see if I could foster a dog who has been in the system a long time.  He's come from 2 months of potty training, but is not doing well with his new foster.  His options are a new foster or boarding.  Of course we'll take him.  We're probably picking him up on the way back from the airport.  He's sweet as pie, but needs work on marking.  I'm heading to get smaller marking bands today.  He's 8 lbs!  His name is Veto.  Look at that face!!  (I'm sure this one will be a challenge, but I love him already!)  There is a possibility he could be adopted before I get back, but that's only if the adopter is really willing to work with him.  My guess is he will be coming to us.

I don't expect to post until we get back next week.  I'll be up super duper early tomorrow to squeeze in a workout -- saving my rest day for the trip.

If you never hear from me again ... (my nerves wanted to say a quick something LOL).


Okay, let the packing and self-hate begin.  (I'm in full crazy bloom today - be glad you don't have to be present for the Unleash the Crazy clothes fitting today.  I'm having flashbacks to those years of weight struggle and it's not fun.  What I DON'T judge in other people, I make up for in judgement of MYSELF.  Something I can't seem to change. That saga is for another day though.)

Later gators.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Final Shopping

Today should be the last day of my Christmas shopping.  The youngest and I are dropping my pup for his hair day and heading to the "big" mall.  I'm not a fan of the mall, but every once in awhile it's a necessity.

Wishing us good shopping karma today.  It's like baking for me ... sometimes I've got it, sometimes I don't.  Rarely anything in-between.

Tomorrow I wrap the eldest and his girlfriend's gifts and pack for our trip.  I'm getting really excited! (And my usual little bit of flying worry, but I'm managing it pretty well.)

I finished The Couple Next Door -- Shari Lapena.  It was a super quick read.  The ending was predictable and a bit over-the-top, but it was mindless suspense in a fun way.  Mindless seems to work for me right now.  I have to find a couple of new books for our flights.

My hair day went well.  Looks like I can stop fussing every time I go ... she's got the blonde down now.  I also got my super bushy eyebrows tamed (they must be on a growth spurt).  I feel 10 years younger or at least a little better.  Cover the gray, tame the eyebrows and good things start happening LOL.

Found this recently and it's "so me."  It can be said of my hubby, my dog and my actual sweatpants.  Today I venture from my security sweatpants into actual clothes for the mall.  (And yes, I wear sweatpants to my hair appointment.  I've had some clothes ruined by hair dye splatter.  Hair day is not a day you dress well.)  I hope my jeans zip.

It's probably obvious by now that I don't have much to say this morning.  Heading for a leg lifting day in the home gym and off to the mall.  Fingers crossed on both.  Later gators.

Monday, December 11, 2017

It's Monday Again

Here's a weekend recap:

Chloe is happily living her new life.  Her mama is fantastic and Chloe adjusted without missing a beat.  Miss you little lady.  Have the best life ever!!

Her new last name is Winters - very fitting to be adopted in the biggest snow storm in GA.
Snow it still around - a lot of it.  Roads are basically okay, but schools are closed today.  It was a monster of a storm.  A few friends with no power yet.  Not fun for them.  I imagine it'll take time to get our tree removed.  A few more days of snow melt and then we're away.  I'm sure I'll have to do loads of follow up to get it chopped up.  Still - we were lucky.

Did I mention I had a devil of a time making the oatmeal raisin cookies?  First I forgot the raisins, then I couldn't find the Crisco sticks (found them hidden in my trunk after I re-purchased), then the cookies (2 batches) baked horribly.  I've used this Crisco recipe over the years.  I have "fixes" when it the dough is off, but nothing worked.  THREE different attempts to make these cookies without any cookies to show for it!!  I ditched that recipe and made a butter recipe (better tasting, but a bother).  Baked beautifully.  Then ... as I was standing in the kitchen, my dog jumped up and tried to steal the cooling cookies.  OMG!  As I was standing there!  He almost dumped the whole lot on the floor.  These cookies are jinxed!  Now they're safely in the freezer.  And I'm finally finished with those dang oatmeal cookies!

I almost don't want to admit this, but I had pizza last night ... aka gluten with sauce and cheese.  Guess what?  I feel like crap this morning.  And I'm sad again.  I guess I need to be hit over the head before I understand believe this connection.  Lots of gluten doesn't work for me.  Period.  I can tolerate some, but the big-guns of pizza just doesn't work for me anymore.  Ugh.

I finished the second season of Stranger Things.  It was good.  I liked the first season better.  Season 2 had some weird tangents that didn't work (in my opinion).  Still, it was fun to watch.

Can't wait to start The Crown.  I usually watch with a friend and I love it.  We watch, we chat about it ... perfect.  Except this time, our schedules aren't meshing.  We might not be able to watch more than an episode or two before mid-January.  That's not going to work for me.  I have to chat with her about it.  I'm crazy impatient to start watching it!!

I'm on a suspense thriller kick with books.  I started another one last night.  I'll let you know about it if the ending holds up.

AND I finally found out what those Instagram people who are Instagram "famous" are called ... INFLUENCERS.  Fitting, as I am influenced by them!  I like to hear about new stuff - works for me.  And I only "see" it if I choose to look.

I'm STILL in a weird place with my workouts.  I was happy to be running outside, then this storm stopped me in my tracks.  Tons of ice -- regular and black ice -- no outside running.  We're heading to San Francisco on Thursday so the entire week is shot.  I don't know whether to head back to Lift to try some classes.  The ones I'm interested in have substitutes this week (not cool!!).  I'm pushing through uninspired home workouts.  I need to find my mojo again.

As much as I hate the fact that January will be a stereotypical "diet," etc. month -- I'm so ready to get life back to my happy normal.  There is no point in trying to do this now.  Too much holiday stuff at every turn.  But I can't wait to work on EVERYTHING in January.  It's cliche, but the good news is I actually do it.

Today is the anniversary of my dad's passing.  I don't fixate on this date, but it gives me a sad pause.  Miss you dad.  17 years doesn't seem possible.

My random-stream-of-thought post will end with IT'S HAIR DAY!  I need this like crazy.  We seem to be in a good place with the color, but today is the test.  It's on the verge of too dark -- highlights should fix it.  And I desperately need keratin.  My girlfriend's appointment overlaps with mine, so it will be fun to see her.

One more random thought ... youngest is home from school for break.  I love having him home.  I don't love having his mess here.  LOL.

Another week begins ... later gators.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Yesterday in PICTURES

Our town got about 10 inches of snow by the time the storm was finished.  Weather reports were all wrong ... glad I listened to my gut and stayed home.  My pup finally convinced Chloe snow is FUN and she started playing ... adorable to see the two of them.  

It was a winter wonderland and then one of our big trees came down and hit the deck.  Ugh. 

Power flashed all night, but stayed on. 

The thaw begins.  Hopefully, the roof isn't leaking.

Start of the SNOW
Yes Chloe ... snow is AWESOME!
Running to poop LOL
Now this is WINTER!
Snow making our itty bitty decorations shine.
Downed tree.
Prettiest snow I've seen in a long time. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

'Blizzard' in the ATL

I'm late posting this morning as I woke up to SNOW in the south.  It's a really big deal (with untreated roads and memories of Snow-megedan still fresh).  I'm no dummy.  Not worth the risk of a sudden road freeze and hours trying to get home.

The problem was my refrigerator was bare!  I planned to grocery shop this morning.  So I threw on a jacket and shoes and took the trek to the local market before the "blizzard" arrived.  It was chaos everywhere.  I got some essentials and called it a morning.

Chloe refused a morning walk.  Little southern ladies don't do snow!  My northern pup was in his glory.

Car recall appointment canceled.  Financial planner appointment canceled.  A busy day just opened wide.

I like a snuggly day.  It's overcast so my Christmas lights look pretty.  Candle burning.  Music playing.  Very festive.

Anyway ... yesterday was a good day.  Chloe is adopted to a fantastic retired school teacher.  She will live a gloriously spoiled, well traveled, well adored life.  I drop her tomorrow.  I'm a little heart-sad again for me, but Chloe is the only real focus.

Dinner out with a friend was nice.  She's a great lady but severely non-medicated ADHD (per her own admission) and it's a little bit overwhelming.  But it was a good evening, good thai food and I was glad to get out.

Today is FINALLY the baking of the youngest's cookie choice.  Oatmeal raisin.  Love oatmeal, but hold the raisins.  Just like I love chocolate chip, but hold the chocolate chips.  I'm also making another batch of Magic Cookie Bars as hubby has already made a big dent in my supply.  I'm holding on the lemon bars since I don't know if they will freeze ... I like them too much to have them sitting around!

I need to get some pictures of some presents I bought.  I'll post about them next week.  I got an ugly Christmas Steelers sweater as a joke for hubby.  Turned out today was ugly sweater day at work so I gave it to him last night.  Perfect!

Okay, I'm rambling.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here and I'm looking forward to this winter day.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Massage Bust with Bruises to Boot

Ugh.  I've used this massage therapist before so I booked a 90 minute massage confidently.  She asked the reason for my massage ... I always say 'relaxation' and ask for a light to moderate touch.  She about killed me.  I kept asking for less pressure, but she kept digging and digging.  I have actual bruises on my back and arms (which I asked her not to massage).  This is the first massage I wanted to be over!  I probably should have spoken up more firmly or ended the massage, but I kept thinking maybe I need a firmer touch.  (She said I was tight and that's why it was uncomfortable -- nope, she was just a beast.)  I won't be using her again.

Chloe's potential family stood me up for the meet and greet.  Fell off the face of the earth.  No response to text, calls, etc.  We had an evening appointment so I waited all day with the expectation of company.  Don't they understand all the fosters communicate with each other?  Changing your mind is never a problem ... being rude is ... it will blacklist you with the fosters.  Happy news is Chloe is meeting a retired teacher today who sounds absolutely PERFECT!  I hope this works out for this little sweetie-pie.

Then I got some horribly sad news.  Our neighbor from way back when we lived in NY lost her son to a heroin overdose.  He was a year older than our eldest and they grew up together for 12 years.  Heartbreaking. Unimaginable.  There are no words.  They aren't having any services -- just a cremation and a private gathering.  And the holidays make it that much more cruel.  Everyone is happy, celebrating.  Each year the holiday sights and sounds will represent something so painful.  His family has addiction problems (alcohol mostly) and it was well known he had some troubles.  I don't think any of us knew how bad it had gotten.  I pray they find some peace eventually.

Today is a visit for Chloe, a rest day from working out and an evening out with a friend.  It's looking like a better day.  I'm pushing off the baking until the weekend since I have the visit scheduled midday.  No reason to rush anything.  I'm a messy baker and I don't want to be 'dressed' while I bake. The freezer is PACKED with cookies!  It seems like I overdid it, but all will be eaten with wishes for more.  Sweet tooth runs in the family!

I'm reading a great book "The Best Day Ever" -- Kaira Rouda.  It's a suspense thriller that takes place in one day.  So far it's the voice of the husband only.  I don't know if it will switch to the wife.  I hope the ending is a fabulous as the suspense is so far.  They are driving to their lake house for a special day from the husband.  Lots of little innuendos dropping ... so fun.  My kind of book!  Stay tuned ...

Later gators.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Cookie Success

Final cookies will wait until Thursday (oatmeal raisin -- I bought the raisins lol and lemon bars).  I had lots of time yesterday - even with lunch and shopping.  I guess getting up at 4 am has advantages.

2 batches of my usual chocolate chip
1 batch of all butter chocolate chip
2 batches of peanut butter (last minute add-on)
1 batch of almond cookies GF

Not one lick of dough.  Yea ME.  I did have a few of the almond cookies before bed, but no more cheats.  I only make them at Christmas and I absolutely LOVE them!  One batch only so I'm not tempted to pig out.  The family likes them, but with other cookie choices they will stay mostly mine.  They are safely Food Saved and in the freezer.  See you at Christmas my lovelies.

Some baking days are better than others for me.  Yesterday was a "better" day.  All cookies PERFECTLY cooked.  I'm picky on the doneness of cookies.  Not too much, not too little, not uneven.  Not one dud in the day of baking.  That's why I added on cookies.  Can't waste good baking karma.

I thought I'd get up today and make the oatmeal raisin before the cleaning crew comes in, but I forgot I have a morning massage.  Poor me, right?!?!  90 minutes!  I can't wait.  Cookies can wait until later in the week.

I'll do a half cardio / half lifting workout.  Sore muscles - no problem that a massage won't fix.

Chloe might be meeting a new family tonight.  (Did I mention the other family passed on her ... "too big" ... whatever crazy people).

I guess the mail carrier systems are completely overloaded this year.  So many mis-delivered packages in our neighborhood and a number of non-deliveries for me.  The one package I needed this week has some "unexpected delay" at the post office.  What does that mean?  Ugh.  Fingers crossed.  I need it by Saturday.

Have a great day!  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

And the BAKING Begins ...

I usually have a day of cookie dough making followed by a day of baking.  This year my schedule is a little caddy-wampus so I'm doing a couple of cookies start to finish each day.  I can't have the dough lingering too long.

I started yesterday afternoon with Magic Cookie Bars (easiest cookie EVER) and planned to make oatmeal raisin (youngest's choice).  That doesn't work without the raisins though ... I forget them every year (because who likes raisins in cookies?!?!).

White chocolate and macadamia nut cookie up to the plate.  Not my favorite to make.  I thought my hands were going to fall off after chopping the nuts and the chocolate.  Too much work for my holiday list.  But it was the girlfriend's choice.  Per the reviews, I added a lot less almond extract, but I wonder if I should've eliminated it.  Since I was SUPER DUPER good and didn't taste anything (yea ME), I'll have to wait until the family reviews are in to know for sure.

Today is chocolate chip (hubby and eldest's choice) and I make a triple batch.  The week will end with oatmeal raisin, lemon bars and almond cookies.

So many cookies, so little time LOL.  I continue to pray to the cookie dough gods that I will resist temptation and leave ALL the dough for baking.  One slip and I'm bound to slide face-first into the bowl.  I LOVE cookie dough!!  But I NEED to fit into my jeans.  My forever holiday woes (and I know I'm not alone in this).

I did my outside run today (early this week).  Hubby is out of town and I get a little scared to run that early without someone home.  It's also supposed to get COLD after today.  I could have been in shorts yesterday.  I'm happy for the cold weather, but it may put my outside runs on hold.  I don't run in the dark if the temperature is below 40 degrees.  Lots of reasons but my toe circulation is the big one. I have chilblains and once I 'activate' it, I'm miserable.  It starts as a super burning itch followed by open sores.  It took forever to get a proper diagnosis.  Prevention and it's never a problem.

Yesterday was lunch and shopping with a friend - lots of good conversation.  Today is lunch with another friend and Thursday is dinner with a possible movie with my neighbor.  Getting my girlfriend time this week - yea - I needed it.

It's early, my run is finished and that makes me so HAPPY.  Time to start the cookie dough that I'll back this afternoon.  Wish me luck!  Later gators.

Monday, December 4, 2017


The book (My Mother's Secret -- J.L. Witterick) I finished last week had some excellent quotable stuff at the end.  I thought I'd share.

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by 
it is regret for the things we did not do that is 
--Sydney J. Harris

Saying YES.  That's what this quote says to me.  I need to say it more - VARIETY takes effort in my life.  Looking at situations through this quote is an eye opener.


The standard defines the exception. -- J.L. Witterick

The context in the book was a woman who helped save two families and one soldier risking her life to hide them during WW2.  When told she was exceptional, she said no -- she appeared exceptional only because the standard was so low.

Peer group.  It matters.  Both for the good and the bad.

Love is the only thing you get more of when you give it away. -- J.L. Witterick


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas is HERE

Here's proof I decorated LOL.  LOVE it now that it's done.  I edited a lot last year - and some more this year.  If I don't use the stuff next year, I'll give it to Goodwill in December.  The trees have far fewer ornaments too.  But it works.  It looks like more in person.  It feels "cleaner" to me this year.

The tree is a bit crooked, but I didn't notice until it was decorated.
Oops.  We'll try to fix it today.
Family tree.
View from my kitchen table.

Funny story ... as hubby was getting out the Christmas containers, a garden snake slithered out.  Chloe grabbed it and did a death shake.  No more snake.  She didn't realize we have a catch and release program.  My dog stood there and looked beautiful.  Christmas adventures even with fake trees.

She may be little, but she be mighty.  Chloe the Snake "Charmer."

Tonight is outside lights.  Now that the landscaping is cleared out, we need to provide the neighbors with SOMETHING.  I ordered a few boxes of blanket lights and hope that it's as easy as it sounds.  Have I ever mentioned I like easy?!?!

Run was good yesterday, legs are toast.  Rest day today.  Kids are coming over for the afternoon game so I'm hitting the grocery store and kitchen today.  Hot Hawaiian sandwiches were requested (Pioneer Woman's recipe) and some kind of munchie.

No hike this morning as hubby and eldest have early golf.  Hope it's a good day for everyone.  Later gators.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Saturday Stuff

I'm doing my early run on Saturday this weekend.  I'm up and weather is fine (actually a bit warm) ... T minus 30 minutes until I head out.  Weekend early runs allow me an extra hour of sleep.  Most commuters are tucked into bed still so I don't have to worry about a lot of car traffic.  I usually run (no pun intended) into a little foot traffic for the dogs who need their early walk.  I finish just as the sun starts brightening the sky.  I feel like a vampire racing to finish before it's light out!

Chloe is meeting with another family today.  Two kids, one big dog.  Fingers crossed for my house to stay in one piece.

Today is also decoration day.  I used to LOVE it, now I dread it.  Bah humbug to me, I know.  I love when it's finished, but the process is a drag as I've gotten older.  Hubby helps with the big lifting, but everything else is me.

Next week is cookie baking week.  I'm starting to feel good about my eating control, but cookie dough will put it to the test.  And frozen cookies CALL to me!!  Food saver to the rescue on that - hopefully - it's still just a scissor cut from reach.

I did some work on fixing the changes that have me a little bummed.  I made plans with a friend I don't reach out to enough - not until January, but it's a fun night planned.  I have tentative plans with a neighbor who has become a Facebook friend but I only actually see once or twice a year (she's in France now ... so plans will wait until she's back).  Expanding my reach a little.  I also contacted Releash and offered to help with some administrative work.  Looks like that might be a go.  That will help keep me involved.  Finally, I talked to a workout buddy and she recommended a new class at Lift so I'll give that a try too.

My Keurig broke yesterday.  Ugh.  I'm getting an espresso maker for Christmas (thanks Santa) but I still need the Keurig for company, etc.  Target had a good sale and I found a smaller one.  My Keurig was OLD - maybe 7 plus years.  My coffee tastes so much better this morning.  Is it my imagination?  I don't think so.  I don't really want to know why - I cleaned the old one, but not all the inner-most tubes.  Maybe it's just working better so the brew tastes better.  I'm going with that version.

Well, I had some dog interruptions so my 30 minutes is up.  Time to run before the sun (couldn't resist the rhyme).  Later gators.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Change IS in the Air

It seems my life is having some unwanted changes lately.  I guess it's time to push out of my comfort zone and go with a different flow.

We stopped our golf membership a couple of months ago.  The management of the club has struggled the last few years and it's showing.  It wasn't worth the money on any level.  But that created a change.  We're not golfing with friends.  I'm not golfing at all (the public places are too crowded for self-conscious golfing-me).  I'll get back to it in warmer weather, but reluctantly.  Change.

My lift instructor left.  My workouts are in a bit of a turmoil.  Our little "band" at Lift Studios is no more. I miss my workout buddies. More change.

I found out yesterday, my connection with Releash Atlanta is taking 6 months off to travel and the organization is scaling back for a few months (because of her trip and other factors).  Chloe might be our last foster before I go back to work.  The relationships I was building are going to take a backseat again.  My couple months of fostering before work might also be out the window.

My very good friend's husband retired and they are thinking of spending a year overseas.

My other very good friend might be moving in the spring as her husband's job is ending.

Crap.  Today I hate change.

I feel like my world is leaving me.  Time to forge new relationships, new interests, new employment(!!!).  It's left me sad and lonely (in an anticipatory way).  Is the Universe telling me something?  I don't like to get all wooey, but I think so.  Change is good - right?!?  Change creates growth - right?!?!  I hope so.