Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Not Cleared Yet

Mixed bag yesterday. Ruled a couple of things out, but one thing lingers. 4 attempts to biopsy without success but lots of pain -- that was unexpected. Plan is to repeat tests in a couple of months and if they are still off, then to a surgical center for a biopsy. 

I'm still not overly worried. I think this is just a process and the end result is it's nothing. The in-between things were ruled out and that's where I thought it might land. Now the "worst" case needs to be ruled out, but that's the most unlikely. But just in case ... have to finish this out.

On a brighter note, I have a free library craft today (assuming I can get in -- limited spots, no reservation). Wind chimes. 

I spray painted some random frames my aunt gave me. I want to use them in Asheville. These are the small ones -- 3 other large ones that were a bit harder to take apart to spray.

I need to get moving this morning so I'll keep this short. Here's Monti being cute with his bone.

Have a good day. Later gators.

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