Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Little Better

The new dentist went well. My son pushed for me to switch because my dentist office had become problematic. Good news - bad news because we loose our insurance in November. Time to shop Market Place and that's putting stress on the medical stuff too. Not even sure if we'll carry dental insurance -- eek, I need to put this worry to the back burner today.

Today is FULL, but the list is better than yesterday. Errands I don't mind, farm membership plant pickup and library volunteer interview. 

Yep, I put in an application to volunteer in the library bookstore. I'll see if this fits, but from the information I have, it's good. 2.5 hour shift sitting in a little room full of books. Lots of time to read, etc. Each shift you get to take home 2 books as "payment." Books, book chat, reading, and 2 books -- what's not to love. My caveat is scheduling and frequency. I can commit to one shift per week, but if they want more, it's not for me. 

My temperature is up a significant amount overnight, but I don't feel like I'm running a temperature. Maybe the testosterone?? My stomach is a bit upset this morning, but I ate a lot of the pickled jalapeƱos yesterday. They are so good -- not super spicy but I did eat a lot. Hopefully, not a sign I'm getting sick. Tomorrow is a a big brain day -- I have to write a difficult court report that'll take most of the day. I cleared most things so I can focus on just the report. Can't afford to be under the weather.

I have 2 library books that snuck up on me coming this week. I'm still only 1/3 finished with the chonker that is Rosamunde Pilcher -- it's over 900 pages and I'm taking my time. It's a careful read because her story telling and writing are so good. I haven't savored a book in a long time. I'll pick up the holds as late as I can to give more time.

That's all from here. Hope your week is continuing well. Later gators.

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