Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Little Better

The new dentist went well. My son pushed for me to switch because my dentist office had become problematic. Good news - bad news because we loose our insurance in November. Time to shop Market Place and that's putting stress on the medical stuff too. Not even sure if we'll carry dental insurance -- eek, I need to put this worry to the back burner today.

Today is FULL, but the list is better than yesterday. Errands I don't mind, farm membership plant pickup and library volunteer interview. 

Yep, I put in an application to volunteer in the library bookstore. I'll see if this fits, but from the information I have, it's good. 2.5 hour shift sitting in a little room full of books. Lots of time to read, etc. Each shift you get to take home 2 books as "payment." Books, book chat, reading, and 2 books -- what's not to love. My caveat is scheduling and frequency. I can commit to one shift per week, but if they want more, it's not for me. 

My temperature is up a significant amount overnight, but I don't feel like I'm running a temperature. Maybe the testosterone?? My stomach is a bit upset this morning, but I ate a lot of the pickled jalapeƱos yesterday. They are so good -- not super spicy but I did eat a lot. Hopefully, not a sign I'm getting sick. Tomorrow is a a big brain day -- I have to write a difficult court report that'll take most of the day. I cleared most things so I can focus on just the report. Can't afford to be under the weather.

I have 2 library books that snuck up on me coming this week. I'm still only 1/3 finished with the chonker that is Rosamunde Pilcher -- it's over 900 pages and I'm taking my time. It's a careful read because her story telling and writing are so good. I haven't savored a book in a long time. I'll pick up the holds as late as I can to give more time.

That's all from here. Hope your week is continuing well. Later gators.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Not My Usual Monday

Big week ahead chopped full of things I'm not exactly looking forward to -- starting today with a new dentist. Not my usual Monday love.

A week of ick-ish and lots of "chores" and hopefully a weekend of fun with the kids in Asheville. 

Best thing is to "eat the frog first" where I can, don't give thoughts to other things (I see you, dentist appointment) and find some fun here and there.

The hike was good yesterday -- felt challenging but I feel good today. Could the creatine be helping with recovery?!?!? Between the creatine, adding protein to my diet and the testosterone cream, I'm expecting to be a different person in 6-8 weeks. Kind of kidding, but also not. If I don't feel changes, I need to re-evaluate. 

I made another batch of the veggie soup because I had so many leftovers and I didn't want anything to go to waste. Something about eating fresh vegetable soup feels good. Freezer is full.

Along with the dentist appointment, I have a long list of stuff to get done today that doesn't make me happy. Getting it done and dusted does make me happy though. I already did a couple of things this morning to ease the dreads about this week. Keeping a list and a schedule helps a lot. Getting a little ahead on the list is a mental game that also helps. 

On a fun note, I booked (actually hubby's idea) a 4 day trip to Hilton Head with a girlfriend in November to use up timeshare points. It'll be a birthday celebration trip for her. She's the gf who cancels a lot, but if she does, I have zero issue going alone. I almost made it a solo trip. This is nice because I don't care about that outcome -- come or don't, either way will be great. Beach walks, Savannah, Historic Beaufort, shopping, good food -- can't wait. This is the 3rd year in a row. Maybe a tradition.

That's all from here. Hope you're set for a good week. Later gators.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

More Plants

Last half day in Asheville was a good one too. I walked to breakfast and sat outside -- nice walk (about a mile) and al fresco dining. Beautiful weather wasn't wasted. Passed a 1/2 marathon race finishing up. Lots of finishers at the breakfast place.

Waiting for avocado toast, egg
and green salad.

Started the walk back and thought I'd take the neighborhood road instead (it's a little longer walk, but prettier). Had to double back and walk the main road after all.

One baby already crossed.

I set up the plant stand in Asheville. Sadly, it's an artificial plant but it's the best I can do in an area that might get knocked (i.e. no propagated plants). Little fairy houses were my first rock painting project. I have tons of them -- all from a little park here in GA.

Drove to the farmer's market and got a slew of veggies for soup. I also broke down and got a couple of plants. A clearance strawberry plant and this indoor beauty. Squirrel's foot fern -- looks like a little fairy forest (I have fairies on my mind, I guess).

Orchid gift from my cousin about 5 years ago. It's bloom time again.

Got home mid-afternoon. I was tired driving and it felt really long. That's the only downside to a 1/2 day of stuff before I leave. Despite wanting to do nothing, I chopped and chopped and made the veggie soup. Veggies, quinoa and chickpea. I needed something ready to go and I'll have a decent amount to freeze.

I have an early fast, steep hike -- but it's not too long. Same hike a couple of weekend's ago. Building up for a hike in September that's more difficult. Today I'm up with no issue though. I went to bed VERY early -- like 7 o'clock asleep early. Not sure why I was so tired yesterday. 

Oura ring is noting my temperature is up -- wondering if I'm getting ready to get a period or if this is because of the creatine and testosterone. I don't feel unwell. It's a wait-n-see. For once, I want a period because this would be a strong indicator that nothing serious is happening. I'll wait to see what happens when I have the temperature drop.

Feels like a Monday to me, but I'm glad to have an extra day to get myself in order for the week. It's a full one. Later gators.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Mountain Magic

Heading home today -- after I finish cleaning and a walk through the Farmer's Market. I'm going to pass on the teahouse (3 days in a row is a bit much, even for me).

I jogged and walked yesterday (and walked again in the evening). Taking a pass on a mountain walk this morning because I have a hard hike tomorrow. Rest is probably a good idea for my back. A little disappointed because it's a beautiful morning, but the hike will be nice too. I'll still get some strolling time around downtown on this perfect (no exaggeration) morning.

Always whimsy on
a walk.

Lunch with my neighbor was nice. I ordered the same thing as the day before. (That reminds me, I need to figure out lunch for today.) Hit the teahouse and then the plant store to get pots. I have little indoor ones that need to move up a size and I don't have anything to transplant them. Did I order a bit too much?!? Yep, but I stopped short of buying more plants so that's a win.

Finalized the spa event for my DIL-2-B in January and set up a meeting (aka massage and lunch) with the organizer. We're lunching together after the massage. I wonder if lunch will be on her? She asked to join me. It's in September. I'm looking forward to it. 

I slept well last night and I feel rested this morning. This trip has been exactly what I needed. Mountain air in Asheville -- when it's cool and lovely, it works magic. Hope you're finding some good days too. Later gators.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Yes to Asheville

Yesterday was a spot on good day. Drive was easy -- made the little effort to stop in historic Franklin for a cortado which feels like a treat just because and with the only purpose of a little pleasure for me.

Unloaded the car and picked these beauties from the blooms that were overhanging the sidewalk.

Hung the wind chimes. Can you see them?? Hard to see in the picture. 

Fussed around and then headed downtown to the teahouse and started this book. Rosamunde Pilcher authors of one of my favorite books, "The Shell Seekers." I like her writing a lot. This is a chonker at 900+ pages.

Grabbed dinner from a vegan restaurant I haven't been in a long time (leftovers for today so bonus points). Found an engagement gift I was struggling to get right.

Started the embroidery kit -- set up fabric and traced the design. Next up is the tutorial for each kind of beginner stitch.

Today I'm grabbing lunch with my neighbor and doing all the usual Asheville things -- including, cleaning (blah). Lunch is at the same vegan restaurant. Family doesn't like vegan places so I try to go when I'm here by myself. Redundant, but that's how it worked out and I'm happy to go again -- lots of good choices and more leftovers. It'll be a double leftover dinner tonight.

I slept with the windows open and it was the best. I slept like crap though -- maybe too much caffeine later in the day. Fingers crossed for better tonight. 

I debated staying another night because it feels so nice to be here, but a hike posted for Sunday morning. Repeat of last week and I need to get my hiking legs back. I'll hit the Farmer's Market and the teahouse tomorrow and call it for this visit. 

The trip is just what I needed. Later gators.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Library Craft Hour

Free library crafts -- who knew. A little homespun, a little quirky, a little lame, but I'm here for it. 11 of us -- mostly older women, as expected.

Listening to the chatter of the older women makes me laugh. AND --- a requirement in a group of elderly ladies ... ringer on deafening, strapped to the chest, crazy ringtone and STILL not realizing your phone is ringing. Every single group of older women -- happens time after time. Then answer on speaker and shout very, very loudly. Probably me in 20 years. For now, it's my old lady drinking game when I'm the youngster of the group.

Here's the finished product. I added a few more library classes to my calendar. 

Taking this to Asheville for
the chime tree in my yard.

Starting on a testosterone cream today. Fingers crossed. 

Driving to Asheville as soon as I get packed and ready. Looking forward to a few days to myself and for myself --  a little cleaning, a lot of tea house, a lot of crafty stuff, a lot of outside and walking. It feels extra lovely to me today. Probably the cool weather has me in the mood for Asheville.

On that note, time to get moving. Have a good day. Later gators.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Not Cleared Yet

Mixed bag yesterday. Ruled a couple of things out, but one thing lingers. 4 attempts to biopsy without success but lots of pain -- that was unexpected. Plan is to repeat tests in a couple of months and if they are still off, then to a surgical center for a biopsy. 

I'm still not overly worried. I think this is just a process and the end result is it's nothing. The in-between things were ruled out and that's where I thought it might land. Now the "worst" case needs to be ruled out, but that's the most unlikely. But just in case ... have to finish this out.

On a brighter note, I have a free library craft today (assuming I can get in -- limited spots, no reservation). Wind chimes. 

I spray painted some random frames my aunt gave me. I want to use them in Asheville. These are the small ones -- 3 other large ones that were a bit harder to take apart to spray.

I need to get moving this morning so I'll keep this short. Here's Monti being cute with his bone.

Have a good day. Later gators.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ready to be Cleared

"It Ends With Us" movie was good -- as good as the book. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. Well acted and well casted. Movie previews were hopefully for a few good ones on the horizon to finish out the year (Lee, Saturday Night, Wicked).

I would've been on the hiking trip right now. I'm a little disappointed (as I knew I would). The weather is beautiful and I know I would be happy for the challenge. That said, I'll be more happy to have this test over today and hopefully be cleared of any concern.

Once I'm cleared, we're looking hard toward our walking trip next year. Two options -- guided hike in England or Camino. We are leaning toward the guided hike first and then Camino the following year. Stepping up before we do a self-guided walking trip. 

The garden is coming along. Planted a little fig tree yesterday. The rest is almost fully planted -- waiting on plants from the farm and the grow room sprouts. 

Sweet potatoes

Peppers and start of more

Lavender and the fig "tree"

Monti snuck down during my arm workout yesterday and plopped on the yoga pillow. He's such a darling. 

I'm doing a Peloton ride today, but the rest of the week should be outdoor workouts -- my favorite kind these days. Mornings are pleasant right now and I'm ready to get some walking and running. I thought maybe today too, but I woke up too late. Sleep has been difficult and I wanted to get some extra this morning. 

Hope you're having a good week. Later gators.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday, My Old Friend

Yesterday was a good day. The hike was fun -- nice way to start the day (thanks, past self). Kids came over and we had a really good afternoon with everyone and lots of baby time. He was babbling, giggling, all smiles (and some cries for his mom and dad lol). 

I have a full day today and hopefully another fun one.

Pedicure appointment, movie with a friend and garden class this evening. I'll grab a solo lunch/dinner in-between the things. Lots of time to read today too. 

I must fit in gardening at some point. Spinach and the fig tree. It's also indoor plant watering day -- that takes longer than I think every time. I love plants ... and they're lots of work.

That's all this morning. Very short hello -- blame the plants :) Have a good Monday. Later gators.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Some More Catching Up

Up early for the hike. Regretting it at this moment lol. It was hard getting up.

I stopped to return a library book and ended up checking out their Friends Store which sells used books (donations and library purges). Long story short, I ended up with a volunteer form. It seems like a fun opportunity. Volunteer once a week (or so) for 2 1/2 hours, get to pick 2 books per shift and talk about books with everyone who comes in. Sounds like a fun thing to me. Of course, this was the volunteer's take on how things work and I need to confirm once I submit the form.

Today is the 3rd week of taking a creatine powder. I seem to have some side effects -- stinky TMI to detail. I hope this is temporary (or unrelated -- maybe my diet). But it seems consistent and that doesn't lend itself to a diet thing. Waiting for the benefits -- a couple more weeks.

Today is the last day of my SCS coaching membership. Over 3 years and this is a big letting-go moment. It ends in 4 months anyway and it's the right thing to do, but, dang, I'll miss it. It's been a big mental health help over these years. I'm in another letting-go season.

Here are the pickled peppers from yesterday -- 85 total. The pepper plants had damage from the storms and more storms last night. I secured them and fingers crossed they survived the night. These might be the last of this season. The plants are still packed with more peppers, but too small to pick yesterday.

Kids are coming over for lunch. Lots to do, but I wanted to hike first. I prepped and baked yesterday. It'll get done AND I'll get to hike. Feels like a lot as I sit here trying to wake up, but it's what past self planned for today and she's usually right. 

Have a happy Sunday. Later gators.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Let's Catch Up

It's been a minute -- again. Not on purpose, but I've had some fuller mornings lately. Here's a list of the week's goings on.

(1) I'm back-ish to hiking. Took an easy 7 miler that didn't feel as easy as it usual does. I have a harder 6 miler tomorrow morning (faster with a lot of elevation). Trying to get back my hiking legs.

(2) Volunteered at the farm. Hard on my back but so much fun. Doesn't look like much, but that's 2 hours of bean picking.

(3) HUGE storms last night and my peppers took a hit. Fingers crossed the root system held. I propped them up again and need to secure them better once they get a moment to recover. I cut 50 jalapeƱos to add to the 20 or so in the refrigerator. It's pickling day. Hopefully, not my last for the season.

Speaking of garden -- I planted the grow room fully (broccoli and kale); direct sowed peas, beans, carrots, radishes and greens. I'm prepping spinach seeds -- one more day to dry out after an overnight soaking. I hope the seeds stayed put after the storms. Fig trees arrived, but need to harden before planting. Busy little garden.

(4) My county library system (with 5 locations) offers some interesting free craft projects at other libraries. I've only been looking at my home library and missed the classes. The one this weekend was postponed (Fairy houses), but I'm planning to go to another on Wednesday (wind chimes). 

(5) Painted a rock for my sister from a drawing she did (possible tattoo for her). I might try again -- I don't like how the writing turned out. Always the hardest part for me.

(6) Books. I've read a few and I can't remember what I wrote about. I finished this last night. It was a good story, but writing entirely in mixed media. I found it too much after about 200 pages. It's a very clever in technique and plot, but after a bit, the style wore on me. The author is compared to Agatha Christie. 

Started this last night and I think it's the perfect fluff moment -- predictable and fun read. Just my mood.

(7) Hubby and I had a date afternoon at our neighborhood pool. It was really nice. No one there and we chilled for a lunch date.

I'll leave it here for now. More to catch up on next week. Later gators.

Monday, August 12, 2024

More Asheville

In pictures (that will load in reverse no matter what I do):

Silver dollars from broken branch
on our morning walk.

Taco "Tuesday" on the river

Waiting ...

Hot and iced chai

Silver dollar plant.
Broken branch in street
so I took it home.

Happy finds

Signs -- the good kind.

Flowers everywhere

Squirrel on back of chair
eating nuts from our tree.
Making a mess that hubby
just finished cleaning off lol!

Packing up. Heading to my sister's for a quick visit. Home, maybe garden class (if I'm okay to stay up later -- hard to fall asleep when I'm out in the evening). Hike on Tuesday morning. Volunteer stuff Tuesday afternoon. Full couple of days in a good way.

Hope you're set for a good week. Later gators.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Asheville Fun

Successful early drive to Asheville. 

Managed to get to the farmer's market and the teahouse -- both with free Saturday morning parking. Heirloom tomato and lettuce for dinner, overnight oats (the reason for the early morning drive), pastry for hubby and wildflowers.

Market flowers

Finished this at the teahouse.
Quick and good -- something

Stocked up the Little Free Library and a neighbor commented that it gets lots of use and they like it. Phew. I was chicken for a long time about putting it up. Would we get dinged by the historical association (the neighbor who stopped is on the association)? Hubby wasn't thrilled it drew attention to the house. I wasn't sure it would be used. Be brave -- I need reminding for even the littlest things. People like the quote jar and the goodie jar (seeds, painted rocks, stickers) the best -- and that's the most fun for me to put together. My quote document has really good quotes, if I do say so myself. There's another LFL I see with a quote jar and I copied the idea since I like theirs so much.

Quiet afternoon and then off to the comedy show. I wanted to try this theater to see what's what. Local, small stuff is nice and I'll keep a watch for more. It was a pretty little theater -- comedy was good. We went to the early show (6-8pm) and that was the best.

Picture doesn't do this justice,
It's a cute theater.

My usual nighttime drink in Asheville.

This morning is cool(ish) and Duke and I are headed for a long walk. I have some children's books to put in a LFL at the elementary school. Hitting the teashop (of course) and then tacos on the river with the dogs. I've missed Asheville. If all goes as planned, this is the 1st of 3 trips in August. 

Agatha Christie up next.
Vintage books from a friend.
I read this decades ago.

My sister and her daughter from MN are in town late-late on Sunday. We're going to grab a quick hello before we leave to drive home Monday morning. My sister moves down in a month, but I rarely get to see my niece so I'm glad we could overlap a bit -- they decided last minute to make the trip.

Hope you're having a good weekend. Later gators.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

On the Road

It's been a minute. I keep starting to write and forgetting to finish -- full mornings this week and not much to report. The jinx ended -- phew. 

I met my girlfriend for coffee and painting -- both were fun and we stayed for a couple of hours. That was a record for us.

The rest of the week was house stuff, volunteer stuff and nothing special.

Yesterday I went to a fall garden class with Joe Gardener. Good information. My gardening friend came too -- nice to see her and we walked around the farm after class. I'm excited to give it a go. It's a big experiment and I've probably already messed up a few things according to the class, but I'll see what happens. Lots more on this later.

Always butterflies at the farm

This is a quick post and I feel a bit incoherent. Up extra early to drive to Asheville in time to get to the farmer's market. We have tickets to a comedy show tonight. Fingers crossed for a fun day.

Have a good weekend. Later gators.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


I didn't go to the garden class. I read the description for the first class and it was about direct planting -- I have a raised bed. I probably would've learned a little, but I ended up with a skin reaction on my backside and down below regions for some unknown reason. I had to make a drugstore run and take a Benadryl. 

And it's still a problem this morning. To workout or to not workout? I know hot and sweaty won't help, but it will be a mood lifter. There must be some message in all these nuisance issues. I wish I could figure it out. One more day and I'll be heading to the doctor's if there's no improvement. Fun times.

Today SHOULD be coffee and painting with my girlfriend. No late night texts so I'm expecting to go. She doesn't wake up until later so there's still a possibility of a cancel given my jinx lol. Do I believe the jinx? No and sometimes yes. Could call it a message -- feels like a jinx. This feels like a cancel week.

No massage. No garden class. No park run (pending on my backside). Next in line is coffee/painting. See the trend?!?!

Anyway -- I'm not as moody as I might sound. I have no more moody energy to give to this stuff right now. No worries, I'm sure that won't last hah. Pity parties are my specialty.

I end with a nice message. Have a good day. Later gators.

Monday, August 5, 2024

New Week

Monday is starting off a little mixed. I had a 90 minute massage scheduled with the therapist from my first visit. I got there, made a tea and was told they switched massage therapists because of illness. I understand illness, but the massage was at noon and no one called me. I canceled and am not sure that I'll reschedule -- two back-to-back issues. I didn't want to take a chance on another bad massage.

Headed to Costco for stuff and home to wait for an evening garden class. I'm already struggling to want to go -- no registration, so I'm not obligated and I didn't do anything to my hair (expecting to have another shower after the massage). I hope I still go -- guess that's all in my control.

But, anyway ... here are some happenings.

(1) I canceled the coaching program that I've been a member for 3 years. It's ending in December and I haven't been happy with appointment availability and the group coaching calls (mostly about life coaching business these days). Time to let go -- best under my terms. Letting go is hard for me though. Seems like I'm in another season of letting go and I'm not happy about it.

(2) Still in the other program and she's upping the monthly content (same price). This is enough. I can get overly focused on consuming and not doing. Time to put more energy to living things rather than thinking things. This feels like a better balance.

(3) I trimmed the lavender for the season and it still smelled really nice so I put it in my office.

(4) Read this book on recommendation from my librarian aunt. Loved the writing and the storytelling.

(5) This is what I'm reading now. A podcast recommendation.

(6) Switched kombucha after I realized the brand I was drinking was FILLED with added sugar. Tasty and in cans so a double win.

(7) I suck at watercolor painting. Like really suck. It's very unforgiving but looks so easy. I'm meeting my girlfriend for coffee and painting tomorrow. We'll see how it goes -- I swear once I get one cancel for the week, it seems to follow a theme. I'm looking forward to the afternoon so fingers crossed.

I'll leave it there. Dogs need to go out. Hope your week is off to a good start. Later gators.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Farm Volunteer

Farm volunteer day -- flower picking and arranging to take to the food bank. I stepped in a biting ant mound and had a bit of a bugger with them, but otherwise it was nice. 

This guy followed me all morning.

Look at the cucumber leaves in my garden yesterday. The dew collected perfectly -- looks like artwork.

I got some worrisome news yesterday. More labs back and they are leaning toward something is wrong. I have to wait a few more weeks before more testing. Geez. I'd still be surprised, but every step is not good news. Fingers crossed. The wait isn't easy and next steps won't be definitive, just next steps. It's going to be a bit before I know what's what.

My DIL ended up being flexed off today so we're only babysitting a couple of hours while she runs some errands. That gave me back my morning. 

I'm changing up a few things with my workout and nutrition. Probably not the best timing since I just started the creatine powder -- changing more than one thing means you don't know what is working, but I didn't want to wait a couple of months for full effects of creatine.

Deep diving into menopause and such -- I need to focus more on protein, especially since I eat a lot of plant based protein. I started a protein snack post workout to see if that helps with recovery. Lifting is rotating back into the schedule -- 2 days. My back seems okay and it's time to get back to it. Feels good so far -- I'm taking it slowly. Finally, I want to add interval running into the schedule -- run hard for 4 minutes, recover, repeat. 

The motivation is better recovery, easier sleep, more energy. Doing my same thing isn't working. Time for a change up.

Hope you have a good Friday. Later gators.