Sunday, February 11, 2018


We have been in a big old rain pattern lately.  All weekend - wash out!  I was able to get a run with Duke, walk with the others YESTERDAY before the downpours began.  We still got wet, but not soaked.

Today, not so lucky, but I sure need a rest for my legs.  Arm workout later this morning.  My legs burn with a walk up the stairs!!  Combination of extra running and starting Whole30 eating.  Even though I eat potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc (no low carb here), it still zaps my exercise energy at first.  I guess simple sugars zoom right through my veins in a different way.

Releash Atlanta had a company donate DNA tests and Ellie was one of the lucky winners.  Here's a picture of her.  She's 12 lbs, little, gentle -- all lady.  You will never guess her mix ... ready ... drumroll please ...

Chihuahua - 50%
Mini poodle - 25%
other - 12.5%

Hilarious!!  She is an inner big bully breed.  Technically, she wouldn't qualify for apartment adoption!

Today is a rained-in day.  I bet I'll have dogs bouncing off the walls.  Guess what's in store for tomorrow - MORE RAIN.  Maybe it will be lighter and we can figure out some exercise for them all.

House chores and Releash stuff all ahead.  I'm on the fence about grocery shopping.  I need to cook some stuff this week and Monday seems like a logical day for my schedule ... but grocery shopping in downpours ... not fun.  I'll at least get a list going.

Happy SUNday - oh the irony.  Later gators!

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