Friday, May 21, 2021


Lots to chat about so here's a list.

(1)  Finished Line of Duty.  Great series.  Can't wait for the next season.

(2)  Joined Self-Coaching Scholars.  Brooke sweetened the pot (as you knew she would) so it's time to try this program.  The "join" is for June with May as bonus days.  She also includes some extra materials.  I enjoy watching her coach and it's already been helpful.  Looking forward to checking it out today.

(3)  Target run mid-day felt so good.  Costco is late morning today.  Thank you, vaccine for opening the entire day for shopping errands.  I still mask and it feels safe.  No need to rush my mornings to get to the store as it opens.

(4)  Eye appointment this afternoon.  I'm going for the full spit-shine this spring -- eyes to gut.  I need an updated prescription, back-up sunglasses and a change in lens on my "real" glasses.  New place so fingers crossed on a good selection of sunglass frames and hoping they don't need to dilate my eyes.

(5)  Booking an appointment for my nails next week.  I need help with cuticles again.  I think they grow more in the warm weather.  Is that a thing?  I won't go regularly just yet, but I need cuticle help.  I want to TRY to be less maintenance (simpler life) and not go regularly.

(6)  Weather is 80s this week and 90s next week.  Cool temps can't last forever.  Now I think I need to take my outdoor plant pots with me to Asheville.  Good lord.  Being a veggie lady isn't easy.  How do other people do it?

(7)  Bought a 4' folding table for the basement in Asheville (where I ride the Peloton).  Double duty as a laundry folding table and a desk for a little morning routine.  Working on the details.  This is a good start.

(8)  New workout clothes from Spanx -- tried it for an outside run.  Awesome.  Running shorts with built-in longer short liner that doesn't ride up.  Mesh pocket, zipper pocket.  It works well.  Also, the light weight running tank is super comfortable -- no rub seams.  It's my hot weather go-to outfit.

(9)  Working on having full days, but not FEELING rushed.  Practicing slowing down when I start feeling overwhelmed.  I can ONLY feel overwhelmed if I'm thinking about other things while I'm in the current moment.  Overwhelm doesn't exist in the current moment.  It's been helpful as my days are full for the next couple of weeks.  

(10) Had 3 nice connection conversations yesterday.  Trying to balance connection with space.  Love good conversations that are easy.

Have a great Friday.  Weekend is here and now weekends can be weekends again.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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