Saturday, May 29, 2021

Friday Experiment Update

Some good and some less good yesterday.

Worked out, had a fun 4 mile walk around the city, made so much food, got 3rd bedroom cleaned and ready.  Ate my veggies for lunch and dinner ... then the LONG wait for the kids to arrive.  Almost 9 o'clock.  Ugh.  I ate too much junk food watching TV trying to stay awake and I feel it this morning.  

Figuring it out though.  I'll tweak today and see what that's like with everyone here.  Youngest arrives by lunch.  Here's the bedding for his room.  Waiting on rugs, headboard and a full length mirror (and one more pillow!!).

My neighbor completely blew me off yesterday.  No response to text messages and no walk or coffee.  Strange.  Oh well.  Wonder when I'll hear from her again.

Another neighbor dropped off flowers for us to enjoy this weekend.  Stunning (!!)

(Pause because dogs one-by-one got up and now hubby is up.  He's in the bathroom so I'll make this quick.)

Here are a couple of pictures from the yard -- so pretty.  Lots of nature around.

Hope your weekend is going well too.  Planning a good day today.  Later gators.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Asheville "Experiment"

First day was a success.  I made a point to cook veggies FIRST so I had my stuff ready to go.  I went to bed by 9 o'clock -- kids don't come in until tonight.  Up earlier than hubby and took Duke out for a potty break.  Monti is still sleeping too :)

I'm set for a Peloton ride this morning -- logged into the bike and set up the workout area again.  

I remembered to make cold brew coffee for this morning so I didn't have to mess with the French Press right away.

Put my computer and such out and ready for this morning -- that's why I get to chat.

Today is tougher.  Kids arrive late -- after 8 o'clock.  It's going to rain all evening so no fire tonight.  That's works in my favor for bedtime though.

I have some house prepping stuff to do later -- more decor.  It's starting to come together.  PB is delivering a side table this evening.  I need to make the potato salad and a little more food prep.  I can take a bunch of stuff out of the freezer to make room for ice.  Apparently, there's no replacement ice maker available.  Guess bagged ice is our best option.  It's a bummer because the freezer is small.  The bag takes up 1/3 of the room.  I'll need to battle the crowds to buy ice.  Stores were hopping yesterday (!!)  It's easy to forget this is a city.

I invited my next-door neighbor for coffee or a walk today.  She agreed earlier in the week saying we'd firm up plans yesterday.  I texted yesterday afternoon and heard nothing.  Ugh.  I hate NOT KNOWING what's going on today.  Is it a walk?  Is it coffee?  Is it both?  When?  I have a list of things to do.  Guess we both need to be flexible.

Some thoughts for today ...

Lots of walking.  I want that for the time in Asheville.  Outside in nature.  Rain by noon so I'll need to get moving this morning.
Slow down.  Focus on what I'm doing in the moment, not the to-do list.
Eat well.  Veggies and more veggies.
Don't stay up too late.
Don't eat too late.  

Let the weekend begin.  First holiday weekend in our vacation home ... later gators.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

SCS Coaching Call

I had my first one-on-one 20 minute call yesterday and it was surprisingly helpful.

I oscillated between 2 questions -- longterm goal and snacking at night.  I decided on the snacking (buffering) question  -- why was I having so much trouble allowing that urge.  I'm either distracting myself from it or giving into it -- never allowing it with no action (no snacking).

The coach asked a series of questions that that lead to the reason I'm having this struggle again.  With pandemic life changing, I'm spending a lot of mental energy during the day to hold boundaries, etc.  By late afternoon/evening, I'm tired of the mental "work" and I don't have the energy to deal with snacking urges.  The urges never went away completely, but I had become good at allowing them without reacting. Lately, not good at all.

A couple of practical solutions -- give myself some mental downtime ahead the evening (which I hadn't been doing) and sit with a timer during the urges and write down what I'm thinking and how I physically feel the urge in my body.  Also, PLAN for snacking ahead of time.  The plan comes from the prefrontal cortex and not from the primitive brain that runs on automatic.  Worked well last night.

Next call is on Wednesday with another coach.

I'm heading to Asheville this morning and I'm looking at this weekend as a big experiment.  How can I have a fun time and not come home feeling like crap?  I'll be there for 6 days so that should give me some time to practice different options.  If we are going to entertain this often, I have to figure out a better balance.  

Taking my power back.  I have more choices then I'm admitting and a lot of the solution comes from making choices outside of the moment.  Immediate pleasure is a bitch (!!) -- always likes to talk me out of longterm pleasure (feeling good).  This might be my topic for the next coaching call -- lol.  Curiosity helped me during the pandemic and it can help me with this too.  Ask better questions, notice the details.

I'll be MIA for the long weekend.  Maybe a quick hello (and picture) here or there as I figure out a morning routine.  Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Final Prep for the Weekend

Packing day.  Longest trip to Asheville yet.  6 days.  This is a good stretch to practice a new routine.  I don't have a solution yet -- I think I need to experiment.  I'll try a few things this weekend.  I don't expect success ... YET.  

Areas that trip me up:

(1)  Bedtime.  Going to bed so much later than my regular sleep is a problem.  Even if the family is still up, I need to head to bed at a better hour.  The first night is hardest because they travel in after work.  They arrive around 8 o'clock.  Then I feed them, sit around the fire ... you get the picture.  It's 11 o'clock before I know it.

(2)  Late night eating.  I think the combination of late to bed AND late eating is making it extra hard to get up in the morning.  Even if it's a later night, I can stop eating at a better time.

(3)  What I'm eating -- considerably less vegetables.  This means less energy and less regularity.  I'm in control of this area and I need to make the effort to cook more.  It's hard when I'm the one doing all the cooking, but if I make my stuff FIRST, I know it gets done.  

(4)  Morning time routine.  I have a new setup in the basement.  I can hang there (maybe not when company is over), but that will give me some space.  Looking for something DIFFERENT to do in Asheville.  I'm thinking Spanish workbook instead of journalling as one change.

(5)  Exercise.  I love having the Peloton and its lifesaving as far as a workout, but I end up ONLY doing the bike or nothing.  Too many days off and not enough variety.  I'm heading for 6 days -- I need to add a run and an arm day to the rotation.

(6)  Taking an alone walk or two.  Maybe not with company, but definitely when it's just me and hubby.  A little bit of space goes a long way for together time.

(7)  Setting an alarm.  Even an hour ahead of the crew up will make a big difference in my morning.  This is also a challenge with the dogs, but it's an option to try.

Today is final food cooking -- just crab cakes and hard boiled eggs.  I have the coaching call at 11 o'clock and that's all.  I got a notification the master bedroom mirror is getting delivered today --- earlier than expected.  Guess I need to wait to pack the car until tomorrow.  Not holding my breath it arrives, but just in case.  

Still working on not getting overwhelmed by everything I need to do.  Entertaining for 4 days is a lot of work.  Weekends in June are probably just me and hubby and that sounds like a nice break.  

Tomorrow I'll recap the coaching call.  I have next week scheduled too.  Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Heading back to my old stomping grounds for a nail appointment felt strange.  The more "normal" takes over, the more 2020 seems like a faded dream.  Did it happen?  How could it have been that long?

Happy to have my cuticles nice and neat.  Toes look good.  Fingers won't last, but the point was the clean up, not the polish.  The woman who did my SNS left after she graduated from college (good for her) so that solidifies no SNS in my near future.  

Took the rest of the day "off" from everything.  No prep, no errands, no nothing, turned my phone off for the afternoon.  Sat and read The Goldfinch and watched more of the Mare of Easttown (HBO).  Last episode of the season airs next week.  It has huge hype and it's okay.  I think my expectations were so high that it's falling below a little.  As far as the BIG book (about 800 pages) -- I'm about a 1/3 finished and while it's a good story, it's seriously depressing.  Next up for both TV and book is something lighter.  

Today is full to the gills.  Bunch of errands ahead of the weekend and making two appetizers (crab cakes and pinwheels).  I'm paying the price for the day off yesterday, but I'm glad I had a veg-out afternoon alone.

Took some selfies with the dogs to send to hubby.  As usual, Duke jumps me with a french kiss.  This is my new nightgown from Anthropology.  It's so light and comfy.  Easy wearing and relatively good coverage.  I put it on at about 2:30 yesterday -- why not.  Guess I'm going through a little quarantine life withdrawal.  

Tomorrow is my first coaching call with SCS.  I'm excited, but having trouble figuring out a question.  I have 2 possibilities.  I'll chat about it all after the call.

I have a mammogram scheduled in a couple of weeks.  My left side is feeling strange these last few weeks.  Heavy and a sore spot.  Could be hormones.  I'm ready to not worry about it.

Have a happy day.  I'm working on holding myself present today -- easier said than done, but practice practice practice.  Later gators.

Monday, May 24, 2021

First Garden "Salad"

Spent seconds harvesting the pot "fields" and here's what I got after I thinned out the lettuce.  First garden salad of the season.  It's notable that I'll need bigger gardens next year if I want to actually have fresh veggies for the summer.  I won't need to give away extra to neighbors this year :)

My goal this year was to dabble and see if I could grow something I could eat.  I did it and I enjoy it.  I'll have to see what next year brings.  Maybe a raised garden in the yard??  That's a bit more complicated with the dogs and furry yard critters though.  Plenty of time to figure it out.  Wondering if I'll get anything from the tomato plants and the one cucumber plant.  So far, they are growing well.  Temps are climbing now and I don't know how they'll do when I'm in Asheville for this longer stay.

Very fresh, very bitter.

Still lots left in the pot and still growing.

Yesterday was far too busy of a day.  Busy with phone chats, zoom calls, texts, etc.  I screened often, but that wasn't enough.  I need to thin this out too (!!)  Too much chatter.  My day alone felt anything but alone.  I felt mentally drained by the evening and STILL my phone never shut up.  Before the pandemic, I was turning my phone off for a few hours when I needed it.  Probably should do that again.  

Listened to a few SCS calls yesterday.  They're good.  A big take-away was and oldie but goodie that I needed to hear again.  Give your brain a thought and it sets out to prove that thought with evidence all day.  When I give my brain the thought "the day is far too busy -- no one leaves me alone," guess what it finds? Maybe I have lots of time that that isn't true, but my brain focuses on when it IS true and that feels like overwhelm.  I'm going to work on noticing what thoughts I'm feeding my head.  

Cleaning crew first thing this morning and then I have a nail appointment.  Pamper day and I'll take it.  I'm going to turn my phone off most of the day and enjoy the peace and quiet.  

Have a good start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday Things

Okay, I'm battling that feeling of overwhelm again.  Why?  APPOINTMENTS (!!)  Or things like appointment (two zoom calls today -- high school gals and bookclub).  Things that have a set time.  It's not that it fills the day, but it doesn't give me blocks of time that are long enough to do what I need to do.

I need to figure it out.  It all comes back to RUSHED mornings so I can fit things.  Of course, this is a big week ahead of Memorial Day weekend and a houseful in Asheville.  Maybe this is the exception, not the rule.

And ... dang, I realize it's nothing to complain about.  Tomorrow is problematic because I have a nail appointment (yea, finally -- after 15 months) and cleaning crew (don't have a time for them yet).  Um, a pampered day and I'm complaining.  I hear it.  

Back to the drawing board with a schedule this week.  I need to push mornings to make it work.  I've been sleeping until 5-6am because I'm awake with night sweats for a few hours early morning.  I fall back to sleep and that's messing up my awake time.  Guess I need to set an alarm.

I checked out Self-Coaching Scholars (SCS) yesterday.  Some good stuff (her coaching).  Some less good stuff (other coaches).  First impressions are this is good for a few months -- then redundant for someone like me.  If you are starting a business or working a big long-term goal or wanting to join her coach training program -- that's different.  I have my first one-on-one coaching session on Wednesday.  One 20 minute zoom call with one of her employed coaches.  You can't pick a coach so it's a little strange that you don't build a coaching relationship, but it's nice you get to try a number of coaches.  Come with one question, problem, etc.  Feedback I've read is sometimes it's a home run and sometimes a dud.  Stay tuned ...

I messed up the pound cake yesterday.  On the phone and thought it was no big deal to mix longer after I added the eggs.  Yep, it's a big deal.  Totally over inflated -- so much it went in the trash.  Trying again today.  Bummer.  That was a lot of ingredients down the drain.

I took Facebook off my phone.  Made that decision because FB is on my nerves lately.  Bunch of hens clucking to the same tune of outrage.  Or people like my brother posting about relief from COVID restrictions when he barely followed any restrictions the entire year (and he's not vaccinated yet).  I rarely feel good after looking at FB.  And, I DIDN'T write that post "Taking a break from FB"  That's another pet peeve of mine.  See -- FB gets me all riled up.  

I'm "harvesting" greens today.  I need to thin them out and I think they are big enough to eat lol.  Woo hoo.  I'll take a picture of my mini salad :)

Mama bird is back building ANOTHER nest in the same spot on our porch shade.  Once the eggs hatch, I'll need to be super careful with Duke.  I can't believe mama is back.  Next year we might need to put up a mesh block so we can actually use the shades.  I won't kick her out now though -- sweet little gal.

Have a happy Sunday.  I'm going to focus on slowing down and enjoying today.  Overwhelm gets me in task mode and task mode means I miss all the good.  Fun stuff today if I let it be fun.  Later gators.  

Friday, May 21, 2021


Lots to chat about so here's a list.

(1)  Finished Line of Duty.  Great series.  Can't wait for the next season.

(2)  Joined Self-Coaching Scholars.  Brooke sweetened the pot (as you knew she would) so it's time to try this program.  The "join" is for June with May as bonus days.  She also includes some extra materials.  I enjoy watching her coach and it's already been helpful.  Looking forward to checking it out today.

(3)  Target run mid-day felt so good.  Costco is late morning today.  Thank you, vaccine for opening the entire day for shopping errands.  I still mask and it feels safe.  No need to rush my mornings to get to the store as it opens.

(4)  Eye appointment this afternoon.  I'm going for the full spit-shine this spring -- eyes to gut.  I need an updated prescription, back-up sunglasses and a change in lens on my "real" glasses.  New place so fingers crossed on a good selection of sunglass frames and hoping they don't need to dilate my eyes.

(5)  Booking an appointment for my nails next week.  I need help with cuticles again.  I think they grow more in the warm weather.  Is that a thing?  I won't go regularly just yet, but I need cuticle help.  I want to TRY to be less maintenance (simpler life) and not go regularly.

(6)  Weather is 80s this week and 90s next week.  Cool temps can't last forever.  Now I think I need to take my outdoor plant pots with me to Asheville.  Good lord.  Being a veggie lady isn't easy.  How do other people do it?

(7)  Bought a 4' folding table for the basement in Asheville (where I ride the Peloton).  Double duty as a laundry folding table and a desk for a little morning routine.  Working on the details.  This is a good start.

(8)  New workout clothes from Spanx -- tried it for an outside run.  Awesome.  Running shorts with built-in longer short liner that doesn't ride up.  Mesh pocket, zipper pocket.  It works well.  Also, the light weight running tank is super comfortable -- no rub seams.  It's my hot weather go-to outfit.

(9)  Working on having full days, but not FEELING rushed.  Practicing slowing down when I start feeling overwhelmed.  I can ONLY feel overwhelmed if I'm thinking about other things while I'm in the current moment.  Overwhelm doesn't exist in the current moment.  It's been helpful as my days are full for the next couple of weeks.  

(10) Had 3 nice connection conversations yesterday.  Trying to balance connection with space.  Love good conversations that are easy.

Have a great Friday.  Weekend is here and now weekends can be weekends again.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

To Be or Not Be ... Social?

THIS is a huge question for me as we head out of quarantine.  "My group" is fully vaccinated and set for socializing.  

Yet, I'm hesitating.  Why?  Because it seems like it's the same old same old.  Let's get together for a drink. Let's go out to dinner.  

What happened to hikes, nature walks, talk over a cup of coffee (not coffee and an entire spread of food)? Can we think of simpler things to do or DIFFERENT things to do?  Life is going to become EXACTLY like it was before unless I hold a change for myself.

But where's the line?  I like social eating too.  I want to see friends.  I don't want this to be the only thing I do though.  Because I don't have a big friend circle (more individual friends), getting together with 5 friends means 5 separate outings and that means 5 dinners out.  Then it feels like same, same, same.  See the problem?

The other issue is people sort of annoy me -- sadly, true hah.  Like the last minute happy hour cancelation after working all day on the cooking and prep.  Like let's have a conversation that's all complaining -- easy to do with the world right now.  

Gathering with intention.  That seems so nice.  (The book I read by Pria Parker got me motivated on this concept.)  I have ONE idea, but that needs a little time and finagling.  

I'm going to work on problem solving this situation.  There MUST be a way to make gatherings more interesting.  Maybe I need to compromise and do the usual stuff for the first round of hellos after quarantine.  Then I can get creative.  I wonder if "my group" is open to things a little different?

As for today, full and fun.  I want to run at the park, paint my toes, watch the coaching call and maybe a Target run.  Some variety with things I enjoy.  I started a new book -- The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt).  One of my besties said it was her favorite book of all time.  It won a Pulitzer Prize so I have high hopes for this one.  It's long and I read the first (long) chapter last night.  Heavy, sad story so far.

Lots to chew on mentally too -- Asheville routine, socializing and coaching options.  Hmmmmm.  Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Mask or No Mask

Trick question -- hahaha.  Errand running today and I'll absolutely be in a mask for the big stores.  I have to run to my friend's dog boutique to buy dog food and they are fully vaccinated -- no mask needed in there.

I'm not ready to unmask in general population areas INSIDE.  I'm comfortable outside though.  This opens open trail walking, farmer's markets, wineries.  That's enough and it feels good.

Coaching Week call was good again.  Brooke sped up the coaching (not as much backstory) and it was good.  She said every day will get faster so you can see how to self-coach.  I'm still a smidge on the fence about joining the main program.  If I want to join in the next couple of months, I should do it now because Coaching Week becomes free.  I'll decide after Thursday's call -- leaning toward a YES.

I finally got a chunk of reading in -- Julia Child's autobiography.  It's good -- easy read.  I'm on the final 2 episodes of Line of Duty.  I bought the 5th season with my Prime digital credits.  I'm ADDICTED to this show (!!)  Reading will sped up once I finish it tonight lol.  I have a ton of new reads in the wings which I'll share soon.

Planning an Asheville routine is tripping me up.  Here's the scoop:

(1)  Staying up later when we're there -- guests and socializing.  This means I sleep later and don't have those first couple of morning hours to myself.  It also means we go to bed at the same time -- no reading or alone time then either. 

(2)  No place that's mine -- no office, no desk -- nothing.  Where I go, hubby goes.

(3)  Dogs are extra clinging because they're still a little nervous.  No sneaking out of the bedroom to have some quiet time.  They want to come with me and not stay in bed with hubby.  (So even setting an early alarm doesn't help -- they such up all my alone time with potty breaks, feeding, meds, etc.)

(4)  Walking outside at dawn isn't safe with the bear population.

(5)  Everyone wants to come with me for a walk in the morning.

(6)  I feel blah in the morning from staying up later and eating later (and eating more than usual).

(7)  My only alone time is workout time -- here's the key for some routine building.  It's a little problematic because I can't do yoga in the basement (my hands hit the ceiling) so the basement is for the Peloton only.  I have to go to the bedroom for yoga. 

(8)  *TMI ALERT* -- sitting for the first part of my morning routine (drinking tea and coffee), journaling, etc is a routine that keeps me "regular."  If I'm up and moving around, doing things, talking with people, I miss that opportunity and then I'm backed up for a day or two.  That adds to not feeling great.  Even my gut is routine prone (and enjoys a safe toilet).

I can't think to duplicate my normal morning routine.  It's not possible.  I need to create something new that excites me too.  I have control over eating late and that plays a big part in feeling better.  I have private time to workout, but no place to sit.  I have some fixing ideas for that too.

I know I can figure it out.  A little creativity and a little work on my part.  It doesn't need to be amazing, but it needs to keep me feeling good. 

That's all from here.  Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Asheville Routine

I've decided my "goal" for June (ahead of my birthday) is to get an Asheville morning-ish routine in place.  My workouts and eating are spotty, at best, and with the frequency of Asheville visits, this needs to change.

I'm not sure what this looks like or how to accomplish it, but I'm ready to problem solve it.  I love the house and the town, but come home feeling blah from lack of good habits.

I'll write more about it soon.  It's a big challenge and I'll explain it while I'm figuring it out.

Every weekend (or every other long weekend) can't be party hardy.  I'm up for this challenge.

First Coaching Week zoom with Brooke Castillo.  It was good.  What I like the best -- totally stuck to the scheduled time.  Didn't start late or go over.  I'll make a joining decision by the end of the week.  She coached 4 people and it was interesting to watch her and helpful to see them coached.

I have to pickup hubby from repair shop this morning at 8 o'clock.  I'll workout after -- so I'm not rushed.  I need the full load this morning -- workout, cool down, stretch, meditation.

My plants are doing well.  Tomato plants have blooms, but a lot of yellowing leaves.  I need to google that.  My herbs and greens look good.  I might actually get to eat some greens.  House plants are surviving the watering schedule changes since I leave for long weekends.  I think a few need a bigger pot again.  I wonder when you can stop going bigger??  Googling that too.

I NEED time to myself this week, but that won't come until the weekend.  That's another "thing" I need to figure out coming back from Asheville.  Lots and lots of time together over the weekend -- how do I balance that more.  (Maybe Coaching Week can lend some ideas or inspiration.)

Also, need some time thinking about life-out-of-quarantine.  What should I add back?  I'm proud of a simpler routine, less fussy, less personal maintenance.  Yet, I want to get my nails done in the worst way -- my dang aggressive cuticles are fussy again.  I like cooking at home too.  I like not stopping for a coffee or tea while I run errands.  Balance.  It's something to think about.

I also am getting invited to join the world again.  Where is this line?  I want connection again, but what does it look like -- when to say 'yes,' when to say 'no.'  Is the "thing" important or the "who" important.  I want the "who" but not the "thing" -- should I do that?  The more I question this transition (including Asheville), the more I want to join Self-Coaching Scholars.  I need some help and clarity going through this process.

Hmmmmm.  Lots to chew on.

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  

Monday, May 17, 2021

The Weekend

We had another really good weekend in Asheville.  Great weather, fun time.  

I'm still here this morning.  Hubby left early to be home for a conference call.  I need to have my morning drinks and then time to dehydrate before the drive.  Hubby took Duke, but I have Monti.  I TRIED to convince him to take both dogs.  Monti is easy and that would free me up to stop for a potty break.  Nope. I'm not super happy about it.  Why?  He doesn't want both dogs riding in his car.  Good lord.  Thanks for being a team player.  (Yep, I'm a bit bitter about it.)

Anyway ...

I ATE AT A RESTAURANT (!!)  Outside, no close tables.  It was fun and a little nerve-racking.  I didn't love having restaurant heavy food that late, but the social part was fantastic.  I'm a swollen mess from crappy eating all weekend.  Still working on my Asheville healthy routine (ironically, since this is such a healthy town).

We took a 4.5 mile walk with the dogs around North Asheville.  Our grand-dog ended up with a sore leg so we couldn't walk on Sunday with them.  After the kids left, hubby and I took a solo walk downtown and got the lay of the land.  It's a 20 minute walk -- so easy.  I have a list of some fun things to do in the area.

Big mirror is hung.  I'm not sure if it's a little high, but what's done is done and I like it a lot.  I need to work on mantel decor.  I put a couple of things up as sizing place holders.

Here's a platter I got from Anthropology.  I needed serving stuff and this looks vintage and pretty.

I want to get home by 1 o'clock today for the zoom Coaching Week call so I need to leave by 9 o'clock. 

I don't know if I can workout this morning.  My plan to run outside is off since Monti has severe separation anxiety.  I don't know if he'll let me bike without trying to get too close.  He gets clingy when he's nervous.  He's not a fast walker (more like a sniffer) so a long walk is not an option either.  Hubby changing his plans left me hanging this morning -- and tomorrow my morning routine is rushed to pick him up from a car service appointment first thing.  If I could workout, I'd feel so much better this morning.  I'll try the bike and see if I can make it work.

Here are a few dog pictures from yesterday.  Have a great week.  I know I need to do some mood (and food) adjustments to make that happen.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, May 14, 2021


Wow -- totally surprised by the mask announcement yesterday.  Masks are such a security blanket for me, even after being vaccinated. 

This is going to take a hot minute to adjust and I'll be wearing masks inside for a bit.  I'm curious how quickly national stores will lift mask requirements.  I'm happy to continue wearing them to the grocery store and such.

Heading into Asheville today -- despite no gas available either here or there.  And, family has told me we are eating at a restaurant tomorrow.  I said outside, they said inside is fine too.  Big step for me.

Hopefully, gas situation gets back to normal this week.  Because of the hoarding (how do you hoard gas??), pump stations are still empty.  

As usual, my worries are amplified by my hormones.

Anyway ...

I did a thing yesterday.  Joined Brooke Castillo's Coach Week.  It starts on Monday -- 1 hour live zoom calls watching her coach participants (with replay available).  It's $97 and gives you the flavor of her Self-Coaching Scholars.  If you join that program during the week, the price is discounted from the fee.  If I love this week, I'll join.  This is a good way to stick my toe in the water to see if I'll get a benefit from joining the bigger program.  Good timing and smart marketing.

BTW, my physical test results came back and everything is normal.  I have mammogram and colonoscopy scheduled in June.  Then I'm all caught up.  

Things are moving forward at a fast speed.  Quarantine is over (not the pandemic though) and I'm ready to get out into the world again.  I NEED my energy up.  The menopause supplement hasn't made a difference, but I forgot to take it for the last two days.  I think I'm eating too much sugar again.  That's an energy killer for me.  I've gotten back to baking for the Asheville weekends and using GF flour.  I'm eating everything I bake.  I'm going to start focusing on RECIPES again, not baking.  I super duper believe lifestyle can help me "do" menopause in a healthy, manageable way.

I can't believe how cool the temperatures are for May.  This week is lows in 40s and highs in 70s.  I love it, but my garden is stunted a bit because it's so cool at night.  Asheville is in the 60s this weekend.  

I'll be back on Tuesday with lots to chat about.  Pictures and recap of the first coaching call.  Have a happy weekend and stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Leaving Tomorrow

I decided to postpone the drive to Asheville until tomorrow.  I feel crappy from my monthly, trash is delayed a day (don't want cans sitting out all weekend and hate to ask neighbors AGAIN) and there's nothing I need to do up there for the extra day.

I was going to have the day to myself, but hubby drove in early so I decided I'd feel best being here today. I still have enough time to get stuff ready for the kids' visit this weekend.

I have a few chores to do which I planned for next week, but I think I'll start it today.  Renew my DL, write a bunch of graduation cards (and checks) and other misc. paperwork.  No driving anywhere to conserve my full tank of gas.  The gas line is operational again so I hope next week will be back to normal.  Asheville is COMPLETELY out of gas.  Good thing everything is walkable.

I didn't start reading the Julia Child book yet -- at all (!!)  Guess what I did instead?  Yep, another season of Line of Duty.  Each season is 6 episodes.  Stayed up until almost 11 o'clock last night.  Dang, it's so good.  I had a busy day yesterday and didn't sit down to start the season until late afternoon.  Never expected to finish it.  I watched the last couple of episodes on my computer in bed and I skipped ahead a lot because I HAD to know what happened before I turned into a pumpkin.

Today is READING.  I'm not overly excited about the book pick, but it was recommended and gets great reviews.  Also, I bought it so I need to give it a go.  I have about 5 books that keep getting passed over for another read -- this is one of them.  Some books need a forceful start.  That's why I (try) to not get too many in the unread pile.  Inevitably I lose interest if they sit too long.

It feels oddly like a quarantine day since I don't want to use any gas in the car.  I have errands that I could run, but I'm "stuck" home.  Bummer.  My frig is empty of all fresh stuff and the delayed drive to Asheville means I need to dig into the freezer for something to eat.

Big thing today is to NOT be a slug all day.  Tempting because it's a bonus day home and I'm low on energy (hello, hormones).  Tempting, but ultimately will make me feel worse.  Setting up some feel-good things to keep this a good day and help my energy return.  Walk outside (sunshine, but cool temps), arms/yoga workout (rest my bike legs), productive (at least a few chores), eat healthy (freezer stash), read (no 6 hours of TV today) and bed early (I've been up too late last few nights).

I know what works and I need to push to do that today.  I want to feel good for this weekend -- energy gets so low after a hard monthly and I want to do what I can to feel better.

Have a good and happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Gas Lines

Holy cow (!!)

The gas line hacking is still not on my news feed -- I had no idea.  Hubby gave me a heads up yesterday.  I, in turn, warned the kids and a couple of friends.  Every one of us had problems getting and finding gas (stations were already out of gas).  That was on my errand list ahead of the drive to Asheville since I had half of a tank.  I waited in line for about 30 minutes at a Costco.

Kids and hubby all had near empty tanks.  Took time, but all of us are filled.  Hubby is driving back to Asheville today because he has a full tank -- just enough to get there.  If he goes from hotel to work, he'll potentially get stuck in VA.  Kids and I will assess the situation to see if we should go this weekend.  Holding a full tank isn't a bad idea if this ends up being a "thing."

One more issue from a year+ of issues.  Just when I feel like I can start going out in the world again -- now I have to conserve gas.  (And, I realize in the scheme of things, with all going on in so many parts of the world -- not a real problem, just a privileged frustration.)

I was able to go to the recycling center yesterday to drop off boxes before I set out to get gas.  Out trash service is STILL problematic and I didn't want boxes sitting curbside all week.  Today is RAIN and more rain.  Turns out, it's close and convenient.  No charge for recycling (comes out of county taxes).  Great option for large overflow.  They also take care of other specialty items for a charge (paint cans, regular trash, appliances, electronics).

Got my monthly yesterday too.  Good timing.  I can feel yucky all day today.  Not leaving the house, not even to walk the dogs (crazy rain storms).  I have a bunch of house chores to do and that's all.  By the weekend, the worst of it will be over.  Good day to "nest" at home after a restless night's sleep (night sweets, cramps, headache).  

I finished the second season of Line of Duty and it was SO GOOD (!!)  I won't start the next season yet because I can't get sucked in for hours (unless I don't go to Asheville).  Love the acting and the camera style and the story that twists and turns.  5 seasons.  3 or 4 are free on Prime, then you have to pay.  BBC just aired 5th season in UK.

I keep forgetting to grab pictures of some of the fun stuff that came for the new house.  I packed it all yesterday so I'll (hopefully!!) remember to take pictures this weekend.  Amazon and Anthropology.  I took this picture last week -- Anthropology.  New mug, serving tray and some napkins (I did a napkin clean out -- love using cloth napkins).  Tulips in the background still looking pretty.  

That's all from here.  Update tomorrow on the trip.  I plan to leave tomorrow morning, but I might wait until Friday if the gas situation is still unclear.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday Things

Good morning.  I slept until 6:30 which is super late for me.  Why?  Up later than normal (9:30 -- wow) and took Benadryl for allergies and for sleep.  It feels good this morning.

I was up late watching the second season of Line of Duty (Prime).  It's a BBC crime show.  First season was good, second season is super good (so far).  

I finished Woman on the Edge and it was a fun, fast read.  Guessed the ending, then seconded guessed the ending -- so I was wondering until the end.  Perfect summer beach read.

My new books haven't arrived yet.  I ordered them from Goodwill stores through Amazon.  I hope that makes the purchase a little greener and a little charity focused -- probably not much on either, but I'm trying.  I picked 4 books from my "To Read" stack and used the crystal pendulum to swing for my next pick.  I didn't have a pull to anyone in particular, so I thought I let the pendulum help the decision.  I'll start it today.

I baked a strawberry ricotta cake and the 100 year old pound cake recipe yesterday.  Both GF.  Today I'm trying a banana cake with walnuts, chocolate chips and cream cheese frosting.  I also make pigs-in-a-blanket and froze them.  Puff pastry pin wheels today.  Getting set for the weekend.

I'm running to Whole Foods and Target later today.  That gets me excited since I haven't shopped those stores until recently.  Thank you, vaccine.

Here are my herbs.  Looking good -- even after some harvesting.  The little guys are actually greens.  I don't know if I need to thin them out.  They seem to be growing still -- but slowly.  I'm happy the way my porch looks.  It needs attention and now looks comfy and inviting.

I got some vintage picture frames from 1950s from Etsy.  I started looking for photos to fill them -- no luck yet, but found some fun pictures.

My funeral home apartment in Philly.
We looked the part of the 90s.

Senior year of HS.

My first dog -- Dandy.  XO

Update on joining Self-Coaching Scholars:  I haven't forgotten about it, but on hold.  The timing isn't quite right.  I need to feel like I have a block of time.  Lots of video coaching archived and if I only join for a couple of months, I want time to watch a lot of it.  Also, $$.  Spending like crazy and I want that to slow down too.  I haven't mentioned any of this to hubby so I'm also buying time to see if he makes a big personal purchase which opens the door for this LOL.

Volunteering is slowing to a trickle -- got an email update last night.  The local location is closed and a new location opens in June, but only 2 days a week.  Traveling to businesses is subject to last minute cancelations.  I think it's wrapping up for me.  Especially because they have paid staff that are grabbing shifts.  I'll see what June holds.  That might be the prompt to put the time into Self-Coaching Scholars instead.  

It's also time to think about fostering again.  I need to be selective so the pup can come to Asheville with us, but it's possible.  I miss fostering.

That's all from here.  A full day, but one without any specific timing -- and that feels relaxing.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fun Day

I had a super Mother's Day yesterday.

Youngest and I hiked the 4 mile lake loop, up and around the dam.  It's my favorite local hike and it's been over a year.  I forget how much I enjoy it.  Beautiful views, water from lake, river and streams.  Nice balance of big hills and easy paths.

Love this water stream.  It's so loud for a little stream.
Standing on a little bridge over the "falls."

After we stopped at a local coffee shop and I got a peach-ginger iced tea.  Fresh steeped over ice -- my favorite kind.  Youngest got a cold brew (I passed because of the caffeine).  I'm trying to support local business I like after this hard business year.

Home for lunch.  Made a monster egg sammie for my son (all the fixings on a roll).  I had chickpea and lentil salad.  Then we polished off the GF pound cake.  Spoiler -- making it again for this weekend.  

We spray painted the table and it looks good.  You can see the black a little bit through the paint and I like that look.  Between coats, youngest gave his car interior a spit shine using hubbies potions and gadgets.

Youngest came with awesome gifts.  Game for our Asheville house -- wanted some fun stuff for rainy days.  AND ... a hand held steamer for clothes.  Great idea -- knocked it out of the park.

The shade porch plant I ordered arrived overnight.  I repotted it and fingers crossed it's happy in the new environment.  Turns out it's a garden plant.  I hope it likes a pot too.

Today is a hair appointment and the cleaning crew.  The house and I are both getting a spruce up.  I have lots of kitchen cooking and baking this week, a few errands and some house chores to get finished in time for our drive on Thursday.

I didn't sleep well at all last night.  Big thunderstorms (had no idea rain was coming).  Woke me up and then I had hot flash after hot flash.  Finally asleep about an hour before the alarm.  Guess what's due to come this week?!?!  Hope it comes early in the week before our weekend plans.  I feel yucky enough that it might come today -- pretty please!!

I'm looking forward to a good week ahead.  Lots of stuff to do, but stuff that qualifies as alone time.  We're set for a fun weekend of social stuff, so this is a nice balance ahead of family time together.  Have a good Monday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

Here are some updates on the weekend ...

I finished The Book of Longings (Sue Monk Kidd) -- well written, interesting story.  For some reason it took me a long time to read though.  I'd recommend it.  Bookclub discussion at the end of the month.  

Next up -- trash read.  Woman on the Edge (Samantha Bailey).  It's a fast read and good so far.

I prepped the table for painting.  Heavy duty cleaner that takes off the sheen and such prior to repainting.  According to what I read, this is enough for what I'm doing -- no sanding needed.  We'll see.

Chickpea and lentil salad with some herbs from my "garden."  Delicious.  

I found a reprint of a 100 year old pound cake recipe.  The real deal.  No salt, no leavening agents.  All technique to get a risen cake.  I cut the recipe in half and used GF flour.  It's for MD dessert today.  Yum -- because, yes, I already tried it.  It baked perfectly.  Putting this on rotation -- especially once strawberries come in season.

Youngest is coming over later this morning and we're taking a hike around a lake inlet  It's about 4 miles. I hope I can remember how to go given it's been over a year.  Nature changes and trail paths look different.  It's loosely marked -- we should be okay.  My biggest concern is finding parking.  It's a super small lot and I bet we're not the only ones with this plan.  There are several trails and it will be populated for the first little bit, but then there's rarely many people who go up the mountain.  No dogs allowed and that's fine.  Too long and hard for Monti anyway.

Hubby took a picture of the bookshelf in Asheville after he loaded another 2 shelves.  There's a twin shelf on the other side.  Trying to fill this side with books.  Getting closer.  I love the look of all books.  (Side note ... don't get me started on the color blocking of books on shelves-- big pet peeve.)  Love this random look and every book has been read.  Some will go into the Little Free Library this summer.

Looks like kids are coming up next weekend and a day early too.  This means some food planning.  I won't prep too much here because I can't fit the big cooler in the car with the mirror in the back.  I need to plan though so I can go to the store when I get in and get food ready.  I hate to be in the kitchen when company is here -- much better things to do.  We plan to do exploring in North Asheville with the dogs and downtown without them.  Fingers crossed on the weather.

Have a happy Sunday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother's Day Weekend Updates

I had a 50/50 day yesterday.  Part grizzly and part good.  Let's start with the grizzly.

Part never came in for the ice maker.  Hubby drove in early to meet the contractor who called an hour before he was set to come fix it.  Now we wait.

STILL problems with trash and recycle pickup (sitting curbside since Tuesday).  The contractors we had to the house this week moved our recycle big bin wonky and the wind blew it over.  That was fun.

Baby birds flew out of the nest unknown to me and Duke killed one in the yard.  I chased Duke and tried so hard to save the little guy.  Mama and the other baby are gone.  I feel horrible.  Mama was showing the babies how to fly and this one didn't have a long enough flight time to get over the fence.  I wasn't fast enough to grab Duke when I realized what was happening.  I'm sorry, little mama.

Mother's Day brunch is cancelled.  DIL's mom is in town and told her that her father asked for a divorce.  Not the time to share a MD's celebration.  Of course, I feel sad for everyone involved and completely understand (and know it would feel super awkward).  It's funny to me that whenever her mom is involved, I get a back seat though.  It's like she sucks extra oxygen out of the room.  Every single time our worlds cross.  Celebrations, holidays, visits.  This is one of those themes I'm working on -- I don't count ENOUGH.  My "things" aren't ENOUGH.  Always someone with MORE needs, etc.  (And, yes, I agree her needs take priority right now.  I don't know how to settle those feelings though.)

Her mother also might be staying for an extended time this month.  That will change our Asheville weekend plans.  Nothing is for sure, but her mother changes her mind all the time at the last minute.  So who knows.  I'm going to need to set a little boundaries on this -- if I've gone to trouble, cooked, changed my schedule ... there will need to be a little notice and/or let her mother make some accommodations around our plans.

Now for the good ...

My eldest called and we talked a lot about divorce, etc.  LOVE that we have that kind of relationship.  He also was appreciative that I understood the cancelation and was apologetic.  He's a good man.

My youngest is coming over on Sunday.  We'll firm up plans, but I think a long hike and coffee or takeout would be fun.  It's not my DIL's "famous" pancakes, but it might be even better.

Recycle got picked up this morning.

I walked with my girlfriend -- who mentioned she was asked to cancel the walk to babysit because everyone else wanted to change up their plans.  This is why so many changes all the time.  THIS time, she said 'no.'  I told her how much I appreciated it.  We had a good walk -- too short, but hopefully next month we can start doing things together.  

Volunteering changed its parameters and you get a text the night before to tell you where to report.  They are going into the community businesses now.  Took lots of emails to figure it out.  I canceled my volunteering for next week.  My week is full and that felt too much.  I'll get back to it after that (traveling sounds fun).  Prioritizing me.  When a "yes" becomes wonky, "no" is the answer.  They made a change without communicating it -- didn't find out until my confirmation had no location.  I have no guilt for making an adjustment.  

As for today -- lots of GOOD NOTHING.  This feels good.  Arm workout.  Dog walk (it's beautiful weather).  Making a chickpea and lentil salad again.  Keeps for a few days and is great on top of greens or veggies.  I'll use the herbs from my garden -- woo hoo.  I might start the process of painting a flea market table I chalk painted years ago.  I'm using spray paint this time, but it needs to be prepped first.  I'll take pictures.  This is be a learning curve for me.  

I have a ton of packages arriving today.  Lord forgive me on the cardboard consumption.  I ordered stuff for the kitchen in Asheville.  After entertaining last weekend, I realized I needed more serving options.  I also still need trash cans with lids (dogs!!) and can't find that at the store.  Had to order it.  I need to do a post with some goodies from Anthropology too.  That is hands down my favorite store right now.  There stuff is so nice -- bit pricey, but love it.  I have stuff arriving next week.  Ordering for Asheville is slowing down, but there are still holes to fill to make it comfortable. 

I also started on a book buying spree again.  Stay tuned for those too.

Thanks for the vent and I feel better ending with the good.  Have a happy day.  Later gators.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Another Mood

Well, yesterday was a bit of an annoyance.  

The happy hour I wanted to be simple (but was talked into MORE), got a cancelation TEXT an hour before.  I spent the morning prepping, cooking.  I did a fast clean, rushed home after my physical appointment.  Her husband had an issue at work and would need to be available for phone calls that evening.  Seriously??  They live two doors down the street.  Why can't you come over and hang out and he can join us if he can.  She's mentioned before that he hates doing anything on a work night -- I bet he had a busy day and simply didn't feel like coming over while he was still dealing with a work problem.  I didn't hold a boundary (keeping things simple) and I got burned.  Hubby and I sat out and watched the mama bird feed her big fuzzy babies -- that was fun.  But it was disappointing that I went to a lot of work and rushed around.  Not sure where this leaves us going forward -- I'm not exactly excited to re-invite them over and do that work again.  She's a regular last minute cancel person.  Super nice, very generous person, but this is a pet peeve of mine (right there with being chronically late).

I had my physical yesterday too.  Doc gave me a hard time about getting a pap smear, but I held firm (why don't you go to Gyn -- COVID, duh).  She gave me a hard time about being late for a mammogram too (COVID, duh).  I'm here now that I'm vaccinated.  This was the FIRST appointment available after being vaccinated.  Geez.  Then she wanted me to get Tetanus and Shingles vaccine.  I told her I was waiting until decisions are made about COVID boosters.  She didn't agree -- I don't care.  Turns out she JUST came back from maternity leave -- hormones from both of us.  

I did have a good run with Duke in the morning.  The rest of the day was me trying to manage annoyances with a better attitude.  Not easy.

I have a walk with a friend this morning.  She's another cancel/change person (when it comes to walking or pandemic phone calls).  She asked me to move up the walk time, but I can't this morning (because boundaries, morning routine and her regular canceling).  I offered a couple of other options, but we stuck with the first time (that she set according to her schedule).  I'm about 50/50 that the walk will happen.  I'm trying not to let the other cancelation cloud my mood about this today.  She's a terrific person (one of my favorite people), but the changing times/days over and over has gotten old during the pandemic.

Worth remembering again.

Now for something upbeat ...

I have this week to myself.  Hubby left for NC for the weekend and then VA.  We're meeting in NC next week. Woo hoo!  I need some centering time and time to fully embrace ROUTINE again.  When I'm out of sorts AND can't have my time -- watch out, it's not pretty.  Planning to report a better mood tomorrow -- calm is on the horizon lol.

Let's find some happy and peace today (!!)  Stay well.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Treat Yourself

I bought flowers from Trader Joe's yesterday.  I knew they'd be well stocked for Mother's Day.  Tulips -- enough for 2 mason jars and I love them.  Simple and pretty.  A treat from me to me.

My veggie "garden" is chugging along.  The cucumber plants are adding leaves.  I don't see anything happening with the tomatoes yet.  Herbs are filling in -- so much that I've used some basil and chives.  That's exciting.  Also, the replant of lettuce is coming up, but it might be stunted again since I haven't seen anymore growth.  One day I'll figure it out -- thankfully, seeds are plentiful and cheap.

I watered my neighbor's porch plants yesterday while she's away.  She loves to garden, but I have to say, her porch plants are a hot mess.  I was hoping for some tips or ideas, but it was kind of a bust.  All but a couple of the plants have seen better days.  It surprised me a lot.  

I got a text yesterday morning that contractors were on their way to replace a damaged window (still builder's warranty) and fix a cracked board on the deck.  What?!?!  I was able to leave a door unlocked to the unfinished area so I could still grocery shop (hubby was on a conference call).  This has taken almost 2 years to get resolved and I got 30 minutes notice.  Lordy.  Siding had to be redone too so painters need to come for the final step.  I'm glad it's almost finished.  We've had a huge window leaning on our house for 3 months.

Today is full.  I'll run Duke at the park this morning -- that boy needs some energy release.  Then I need to cook the ham-n-cheese pinwheels for happy hour tonight.  Maybe some cheese tray prep too.  I have an afternoon physical appointment that's an hour away.  I won't be home with much time to spare ahead of our friends coming over.

Once again, I need to remember this is fun stuff -- enjoy each step.  I wish I felt more energy.  Dang, hormones.  They are kicking my butt (and my mood).

Have a happy day.  Stay well :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Here I go again with this same topic.  

How to be "busy" and not feel overwhelmed or get in cross-off-a-list mentality.  This is a super big challenge for me coming out of quarantine.  I'm not overwhelmed by seeing people -- I'm still taking precautions and making smart choices (we declined a graduation party next week, but are seeing another couple for a porch happy hour), but I am overwhelmed about having a calendar again.

This week and next have a bigger-than-normal feel -- all FUN things and I'm feeling less fun and more bothered by having stuff on my calendar.  What is the deal??  Some of this is hormones.  I feel it, I know it, I can't help it.  But I know a lot is my mindset.  I need to continue to remind myself this belief isn't true anymore.  I can have a full day without feeling tired and bothered and focused on a "day off.'  

Where hormones make the biggest impact is my energy gets zapped.  So far, no difference with this menopause supplement I'm taking.  It takes a couple of months -- or so they scam say.  Katie Couric recommended it, so I'll stick it out for a couple of months (I'm in it for about 2 weeks at this point).  It's not harmful (from what I researched) so the only risk is $$.  

Yesterday I ordered a clearance Pottery Barn mirror for the Asheville house -- curbside pickup in the city.  Unfortunately, when I got there I was asked to come in because the mirror was a display, out-of-box and might need "further discounting."  Everyone was masked, but being in a huge mall was a shock to my system.  The mirror has wear on the corners and some paint on the top -- none of that matters (won't see paint when hung and wear gives it a distressed look).  $800 mirror for $200 -- and it's beautiful.  Pictures after we hang it.  

That took most of my day yesterday.  Long drive, long pick up.  I never made it to the grocery stores.  Huge afternoon storms again so I stayed home after the mirror.

I have to regroup my schedule for this week.  Hosting another couple for happy hour tomorrow -- I wanted simple and casual, but it's become a bit more.  I have an afternoon physical appointment in the city so I need to figure things out today to be ready for tomorrow.  I feel uninspired and that needs to change.

Next week is shifting too.  Some add-ons and now the kids are coming for the weekend.  Super happy about it, but I need to do planning and prep.  

Remember -- this is ALL GOOD.  I wish my energy would cooperate.  

Can't believe it's Wednesday.  Coming home on a Monday confused my week.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Trip Recap

We had a great weekend -- finally good weather and some firsts in the house.  First overnight guests (finagling the bathrooms worked okay).  First entertaining (I need a lot more serving dishes lol).  First outdoor fireplace fire with s'mores (yum).  First walk to a coffee shop with an outside table rest (no one else at the tables).  

The 100 year old Flaming Azaleas are in bloom.  

Dogs hung out -- tired after a few long walks.

We ended up eating at the house.  We had margaritas (mine was non-alcoholic), guacamole, salsa, s'mores and cake -- too full to get tacos.  The patio is perfect and relaxing to hang out.  It's funny how an old house can be good for modern entertaining.  We're planning a family Memorial Day weekend in Asheville.

The only pisser of the weekend was a chat with a neighbor and his wife.  We walked by their yard with our dogs and their dog came out to see us.  Dogs got along, lots of sniffing and we chatted with them from across their yard.  When we tried to walk on, their dog followed us so the neighbor came out and grabbed the dog back.  We had a quick "close-ish" moment as he grabbed the dog.  Later I got a text from another neighbor.  THEY ARE COVID POSITIVE (and symptomatic) and knew it when we saw them.  Trump supporters, anti-vax peeps, COVID isn't an issue peeps.  Ugh.  None of us think we had a close enough or long enough contact and we're all vaccinated.  None of us touched the dog (because we were controlling our dogs).  It's a reminder to STILL be vigilant.  This isn't over.

I'm hanging back in GA until late next week.  Dogs and I need a little time here.  Hubby leaves Friday for Asheville and then to VA for the week.  Kids are making a brunch at their place for Mother's Day -- DIL's mom is going to be in town too.  That's going to be fun.

Let's get at this week.  Lots of catch up to do and back to my routines (I need my routines in a big way).  It'll feel good this week.  Stay well.  Later gators.