An unexpected thing happened when I started dabbling with NOT drinking during social events -- I started noticing things, being present in different ways and paying more attention to what works for me and what doesn't.
I reduced my social drinking because alcohol isn't working with my hormones. I know I feel better, sleep better and have more energy if I haven't had alcohol the night before. It's not a hangover -- I gave those up decades ago (hah), but the way my body has become sensitive to it makes for unpleasant side effects.
I didn't expect the other changes.
That said, sometimes I'll drink at a social thing and I'm fine with that too. But the more I choose to not drink, the more I enjoy not drinking ... because it feels more authentic when I don't. It's fun because it's fun. It's boring because it's boring. You get it.
That takes me back to the banker reception -- perfect opportunity to practice not drinking when I normally would drink. Open bar, stodgy group of mainly white men, business focused ... usually, hello red wine to make things more enjoyable and less awkward. And it felt very awkward. And I wanted a drink the second I walked in. But I didn't and the urge passed quickly and never came back.
So what did I do instead? Inquired about the history of the building -- it's a good story. Explored the different floors at the suggestion of someone I spoke with about the old house. Took a good look at the art work on loan from a gallery. Noticed what people were wearing -- one of my favorite people watching pastimes. Added cherries to my seltzer water. Let myself feel uncomfortable. Head talked myself into staying "myself." Overheard funny conversations (because they were strange and awkward lol). Tried to guess relationships between people (couple, boss, business partners, etc). Remembered night outing aren't my favorite thing. Remembered sometimes it's worth it though.
I didn't drink in Hawaii at all. Not because I made a rule though. I wanted to feel my best and nothing felt worth it to risk feeling crappy. And I saw and enjoyed things in such a different way -- interesting side effect.
Spain trip is next week and I'm a little conflicted. A big part of our European trips involves drinking for me. I'm starting to get into the should I, shouldn't I confusion (coaching on this next week). 6 of us feels a little more festive -- and every night will be big, long dinners. There's no right or wrong answer but I'm curious what it would be like to not drink. My guess is I'll limit alcohol and probably limit the days I drink too. Maybe taking a pause between the urge when a meal starts and when I decide. Like the reception, the urge will come on strong (because this is what I've always done in Europe), but it might pass quickly too. Won't know unless I give it a try. I want to feel good, but I really want to see what I can experience when I'm in noticing mode -- without alcohol. An anticipated problem is I don't know what options there are for other kinds of drinks. Sitting at a happy hour drinking warm tap water doesn't feel festive. Time to Google!
As kind of a prep for the vacation, I'm reminding myself of things I can focus on instead. People watching, listening to conversations in Spanish, our conversations, architecture, finding something unique to eat, anticipating the fun for the next day. As I said, I'll probably have a few days I don't drink (to get that experience) and a few that I do. That's a good compromise and a good way to practice a new experience without setting hard rules that feel restrictive.
I'm working on noticing even when I'm doing things where drinking isn't a thought. Hikes, walks, out to lunch, drives, etc. It makes experiences a world better. Being curious. It's still a practice for me and one I need to actively remember and purposely pursue. Hopefully, someday is becomes my automatic default.
Later gators.